TTPC is still under development and some features may not function as intended. If you notice something is not working correctly please open an Issue so that we can resolve it asap.
A compiler/assembler for files written in TTPASM to work with Tak's Toy Processor.
To build TTP_Compiler you will need the latest version of the Rust tool-chain. Once you have that installed and setup on your system you should clone this repository to a folder on your local machine.
You can download the repository and unzip it. or use git to clone it to your machine with the following command:
git clone
One you have that cloned you can run the following command from the project folder:
cargo build --release
The binary file should be located in the <project>/target/release/
[NOTE]:if you downloaded one of the release binaries, you must rename it or use the full name to call it
To get started using ttpc to convert your beautiful ttpasm into logisim loadable machine code you simply run ttpc as follows:
ttpc -c <yourfile>
./ttpc -c <yourfile>
This will assemble your file and output it into the same folder. It will use the same name as the input file sans extension.
If you would like to specify your own output file-name/file-path you can do the following:
./ttpc -c <inputfile.ttpasm> -o <outputfile>
The order of the commands does not matter, but some commands are dependant on others.
For a full list of commands run ttpc
with the --help
or -h
- You can add the
folder to your environment Path so you can can callttpc
from anywhere!
An assortment of tasks that still need implementing.
- Add virtual machine to help with analysis.
- Test suite that ensures feature parity between online assembler.
- Add preprocessing for function returns using register D and stack data structure.
- Output to binary.(why? because it would be cool!)
- Tak Auyeung | - for creating tpp and ttpasm, without which this project wouldn't exist.
- Nes370 - for helping with suggestions and debugging.