title | emoji | sdk_version | sdk | app_file | pinned |
ClinFly |
1.25.0 |
streamlit |
clinfly_app_st.py |
true |
Contact : kevin.yauy@chu-montpellier.fr
ClinFly is an automated framework designed to facilitate precision medicine (PM) for rare diseases. It addresses the challenge of precision phenotyping and data sharing across different languages.
ClinFly can anonymize, translate, and summarize clinical reports using Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) terms, ensuring compliance with medical data privacy standards. The output includes a de-identified translated clinical report and a summary report in HPO format.
By streamlining the translation and anonymization of clinical reports, ClinFly aims to enhance inter-hospital data sharing, expedite medical discoveries, and pave the way for an international patient file accessible to non-English speakers.
To install ClinFly on your local machine, you need the poetry
package manager. Navigate to the project folder and run:
poetry install
If you need to generate a requirements.txt
file, use the following command:
poetry export --without-hashes --format=requirements.txt > requirements.txt
For single report usage with interactive analysis, ClinFly provides a web application accessible at https://huggingface.co/spaces/kyauy/ClinFly.
To run the Streamlit application on your local computer, activate the poetry shell and run the clinfly_app_st.py
poetry shell
streamlit run clinfly_app_st.py
For processing multiple reports with offline options, use the command line interface provided by clinfly_app_cli.py
The input should be a TSV .tsv file structured as follows (see data/test.tsv
for an example):
Report_id_1 Doe John Report text
Report_id_X Doe John Report text
You can also put a symlink to a pdf file (see data/test_pdf.tsv
for an example)
Report_id_X Doe John Example.pdf
Outputs will be placed in the results
folder according to the file extension, using first three columns in filename.
- The deidentify report will be generated and placed in the
folder. - Three HPO extraction outputs will be generated in
To run the CLI application on your local computer :
poetry shell
<python running version> clinfly_app_cli.py --file <input txt file with the reports> --language <language of the file> --model_dir <The output directory of the model (OPTIONAL)> --result_dir <The output directory of the generated result (OPTIONAL)>