''' usage instruction:
add latmatout.py file to the working directory and then import the function as follows,
from latmatout import latout
Then pass the array you want as a input to the function
eg: let a = numpy.random.rand(6,6)
a = array([[0.91133437, 0.52537912, 0.19705271], [0.64498759, 0.36254855, 0.15332323], [0.25554104, 0.33672888, 0.53121465]])
then latout(a)
will give a latex format output of the form,
[ M = \begin{bmatrix} 0.9113 & 0.5254 & 0.1971 \0.6450 & 0.3625 & 0.1533 \0.2555 & 0.3367 & 0.5312 \ \end{bmatrix} ]
Copy this segment to the *.tex file.