- Supports latest Riak (2.1.1)
- Nested class based data models (schemas).
- AND queries by using filter() and exclude() methods.
- Query chaining and caching.
- Automatic Solr schema creation / update (one way migration).
- One-To-One, ManyToMany and ManyToOne relations with auto denormalization (aka reactive joins / write-time joins)
- Row level access control, permission based cell filtering.
- More pythonic APIs for Solr's extensive query features. (OR queries, searching in list of values)
- Self referencing model relations.
- Auto retry of failed writes (on strongly consistent buckets).
- Automatic versioning on write-once buckets.
- Custom migrations with migration history.
- CRDT based models.
Your project should within Python path, so you could be able to import it.
Base file structure of a Pyoko based project;
- manage.py:
from pyoko.manage import *
environ.setdefault('PYOKO_SETTINGS', '<PYTHON.PATH.TO.PROJECT>.settings')
- settings.py
RIAK_SERVER = 'localhost'
RIAK_PORT = '8098'
# if not defined, will be searched within same directory as settings.py
- models.py (or models package)
from pyoko import Model, Node, field
class User(Model):
first_name = field.String("Name", index=True)
last_name = field.String("Surname", index=True)
class ContactInfo(Node):
address = field.String("Address", index=True, null=True, blank=True)
city = field.String("City", index=True)
phone = field.String("Phone", index=True)
email = field.String("Email", index=True)
class Employee(Model):
usr = User()
role = field.String(index=True)
See tests for more usage examples.
from my_project.models import User, Employee
user = User(name='John')
user_cont_info = user.ContactInfo(email="foo@foo.com", city="Izmir")
user_cont_info.phone = "902327055555"
employee = Employee(role='Coder', usr=user).save()
emp_from_db = Employee.objects.get(employee.key)
for emp in Employee.objects.filter(role='Coder'):
print(emp.usr.name, emp.usr.ContactInfo.email)
- Do not use Protocol Buffers in development, it doesn't give proper descriptions for server side errors.
Create a bucket type named "pyoko_models" and activate it with following commands:
# 1 node development:
./bin/riak-admin bucket-type create pyoko_models '{"props":{"last_write_wins":true, "allow_mult":false, "n_val":1}}'
# >= 3 node production:
#./bin/riak-admin bucket-type create pyoko_models '{"props":{"consistent":true}}'
./bin/riak-admin bucket-type activate pyoko_models
You need to define the following environmental variable to run tests.
to create or update schemas run the following command:
python manage.py update_schema --bucket \<model_name\>,\<model_name\>
python manage.py update_schema --bucket all
py.test command runs all the tests from tests directory.
GPL v3.0