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kubernetes-e2e-gke-gci-1.4-gci-1.5-upgrade-master: broken test run #37763



Multiple broken tests:

Failed: [] Nodes [Disruptive] [] Resize [Slow] should be able to add nodes {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc82154c780>: {
        s: "timeout waiting 10m0s for cluster size to be 4",
    timeout waiting 10m0s for cluster size to be 4
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #27470 #30156 #34304 #37620

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that InterPodAffinity is respected if matching with multiple Affinities {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc82122efa0>: {
        s: "0 / 12 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 12 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #34223

Failed: [] Kubectl client [] Update Demo should create and stop a replication controller [Conformance] {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <exec.CodeExitError>: {
        Err: {
            s: "error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-v0tn4] []  0xc82143b080  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n [] <nil> 0xc82143b6c0 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc820c89a88 0xc820c89ab0 0xc820c89ac0] [0xc820c89a88 0xc820c89ab0 0xc820c89ac0] [0xc820c89a90 0xc820c89aa8 0xc820c89ab8] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc8218065a0}:\nCommand stdout:\n\nstderr:\nerror: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n\nerror:\nexit status 1\n",
        Code: 1,
    error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-v0tn4] []  0xc82143b080  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
     [] <nil> 0xc82143b6c0 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc820c89a88 0xc820c89ab0 0xc820c89ac0] [0xc820c89a88 0xc820c89ab0 0xc820c89ac0] [0xc820c89a90 0xc820c89aa8 0xc820c89ab8] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc8218065a0}:
    Command stdout:
    error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
    exit status 1
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #28565 #29072 #29390 #29659 #30072 #33941

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that taints-tolerations is respected if matching {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc821a6e390>: {
        s: "0 / 12 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 12 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #28853 #31585

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that Inter-pod-Affinity is respected if not matching {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc821542be0>: {
        s: "0 / 12 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 12 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #31918

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that NodeSelector is respected if matching [Conformance] {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc8212b4ab0>: {
        s: "0 / 12 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 12 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #29516

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that required NodeAffinity setting is respected if matching {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc820a16330>: {
        s: "0 / 14 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 14 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #28071

Failed: [] Kubectl client [] Guestbook application should create and stop a working application [Conformance] {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <exec.CodeExitError>: {
        Err: {
            s: "error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-0c76u] []  0xc820ffb620  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n [] <nil> 0xc820ffbe80 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc8200dc1f0 0xc8200dc400 0xc8200dc438] [0xc8200dc1f0 0xc8200dc400 0xc8200dc438] [0xc8200dc210 0xc8200dc3f8 0xc8200dc408] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc82172d9e0}:\nCommand stdout:\n\nstderr:\nerror: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n\nerror:\nexit status 1\n",
        Code: 1,
    error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-0c76u] []  0xc820ffb620  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
     [] <nil> 0xc820ffbe80 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc8200dc1f0 0xc8200dc400 0xc8200dc438] [0xc8200dc1f0 0xc8200dc400 0xc8200dc438] [0xc8200dc210 0xc8200dc3f8 0xc8200dc408] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc82172d9e0}:
    Command stdout:
    error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
    exit status 1
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #26175 #26846 #27334 #28293 #29149 #31884 #33672 #34774

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates resource limits of pods that are allowed to run [Conformance] {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc82148bd70>: {
        s: "0 / 12 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 12 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #27115 #28070 #30747 #31341 #35513 #37187

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that taints-tolerations is respected if not matching {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc820d2d4d0>: {
        s: "0 / 12 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 12 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #27655 #33876

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that InterPod Affinity and AntiAffinity is respected if matching {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc820c4ad10>: {
        s: "0 / 12 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 12 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Failed: [] Kubectl client [] Kubectl label should update the label on a resource [Conformance] {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <exec.CodeExitError>: {
        Err: {
            s: "error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-r6gja] []  0xc820f59d20  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n [] <nil> 0xc82031e780 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc8200dcaa0 0xc8200dcac8 0xc8200dcad8] [0xc8200dcaa0 0xc8200dcac8 0xc8200dcad8] [0xc8200dcaa8 0xc8200dcac0 0xc8200dcad0] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc820ffcc00}:\nCommand stdout:\n\nstderr:\nerror: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n\nerror:\nexit status 1\n",
        Code: 1,
    error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-r6gja] []  0xc820f59d20  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
     [] <nil> 0xc82031e780 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc8200dcaa0 0xc8200dcac8 0xc8200dcad8] [0xc8200dcaa0 0xc8200dcac8 0xc8200dcad8] [0xc8200dcaa8 0xc8200dcac0 0xc8200dcad0] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc820ffcc00}:
    Command stdout:
    error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
    exit status 1
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #28493 #29964

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that InterPodAffinity is respected if matching {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc8210f3b00>: {
        s: "0 / 12 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 12 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #36914

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that embedding the JSON NodeAffinity setting as a string in the annotation value work {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc821a42b70>: {
        s: "0 / 12 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 12 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #29816 #30018 #33974

Failed: [] Kubectl client [] Simple pod should support exec through an HTTP proxy {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <exec.CodeExitError>: {
        Err: {
            s: "error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-p1knh] []  0xc820ec6260  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n [] <nil> 0xc820ec68a0 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc820092c38 0xc820092c80 0xc820092c98] [0xc820092c38 0xc820092c80 0xc820092c98] [0xc820092c40 0xc820092c78 0xc820092c90] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc8211dab40}:\nCommand stdout:\n\nstderr:\nerror: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n\nerror:\nexit status 1\n",
        Code: 1,
    error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-p1knh] []  0xc820ec6260  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
     [] <nil> 0xc820ec68a0 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc820092c38 0xc820092c80 0xc820092c98] [0xc820092c38 0xc820092c80 0xc820092c98] [0xc820092c40 0xc820092c78 0xc820092c90] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc8211dab40}:
    Command stdout:
    error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
    exit status 1
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #27156 #28979 #30489 #33649

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that NodeAffinity is respected if not matching {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc8211bd5d0>: {
        s: "0 / 12 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 12 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #28019

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that InterPodAntiAffinity is respected if matching 2 {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc82137eaf0>: {
        s: "0 / 12 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 12 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #30078 #30142

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that NodeSelector is respected if not matching [Conformance] {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc821848a60>: {
        s: "0 / 12 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 12 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #28091

Failed: [] Kubectl client [] Simple pod should support exec {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <exec.CodeExitError>: {
        Err: {
            s: "error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-17sav] []  0xc821ea2760  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n [] <nil> 0xc821ea2ee0 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc820d62058 0xc820d62080 0xc820d62090] [0xc820d62058 0xc820d62080 0xc820d62090] [0xc820d62060 0xc820d62078 0xc820d62088] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc821ed05a0}:\nCommand stdout:\n\nstderr:\nerror: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n\nerror:\nexit status 1\n",
        Code: 1,
    error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-17sav] []  0xc821ea2760  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
     [] <nil> 0xc821ea2ee0 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc820d62058 0xc820d62080 0xc820d62090] [0xc820d62058 0xc820d62080 0xc820d62090] [0xc820d62060 0xc820d62078 0xc820d62088] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc821ed05a0}:
    Command stdout:
    error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
    exit status 1
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #28426 #32168 #33756 #34797

Failed: [] Deployment overlapping deployment should not fight with each other {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Failed to update the first deployment's overlapping annotation
Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc8201c0760>: {
        s: "timed out waiting for the condition",
    timed out waiting for the condition
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #31502 #32947

Failed: [] Job should fail a job {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc8201c0760>: {
        s: "timed out waiting for the condition",
    timed out waiting for the condition
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #28773 #29506 #30699 #32734 #34585 #37177

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that a pod with an invalid NodeAffinity is rejected {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc82154db90>: {
        s: "0 / 12 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 12 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #33883

Failed: [] Kubectl client [] Kubectl apply should reuse nodePort when apply to an existing SVC {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <exec.CodeExitError>: {
        Err: {
            s: "error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config get service redis-master --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-l0wgy -o jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].nodePort}] []  <nil> Error executing template: nodePort is not found. Printing more information for debugging the template:\n\ttemplate was:\n\t\t{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}\n\tobject given to jsonpath engine was:\n\t\tmap[string]interface {}{\"metadata\":map[string]interface {}{\"uid\":\"fa299489-b63d-11e6-a0be-42010af00028\", \"resourceVersion\":\"27477\", \"creationTimestamp\":\"2016-11-29T14:13:18Z\", \"labels\":map[string]interface {}{\"role\":\"master\", \"app\":\"redis\"}, \"name\":\"redis-master\", \"namespace\":\"e2e-tests-kubectl-l0wgy\", \"selfLink\":\"/api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-kubectl-l0wgy/services/redis-master\"}, \"spec\":map[string]interface {}{\"clusterIP\":\"\", \"type\":\"ClusterIP\", \"sessionAffinity\":\"None\", \"ports\":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{\"protocol\":\"TCP\", \"port\":6379, \"targetPort\":\"redis-server\"}}, \"selector\":map[string]interface {}{\"role\":\"master\", \"app\":\"redis\"}}, \"status\":map[string]interface {}{\"loadBalancer\":map[string]interface {}{}}, \"kind\":\"Service\", \"apiVersion\":\"v1\"}\n\n error: error executing jsonpath \"{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}\": nodePort is not found\n [] <nil> 0xc82174de40 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc820bd6530 0xc820bd6560 0xc820bd6578] [0xc820bd6530 0xc820bd6560 0xc820bd6578] [0xc820bd6558 0xc820bd6570] [0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc820c2b8c0}:\nCommand stdout:\nError executing template: nodePort is not found. Printing more information for debugging the template:\n\ttemplate was:\n\t\t{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}\n\tobject given to jsonpath engine was:\n\t\tmap[string]interface {}{\"metadata\":map[string]interface {}{\"uid\":\"fa299489-b63d-11e6-a0be-42010af00028\", \"resourceVersion\":\"27477\", \"creationTimestamp\":\"2016-11-29T14:13:18Z\", \"labels\":map[string]interface {}{\"role\":\"master\", \"app\":\"redis\"}, \"name\":\"redis-master\", \"namespace\":\"e2e-tests-kubectl-l0wgy\", \"selfLink\":\"/api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-kubectl-l0wgy/services/redis-master\"}, \"spec\":map[string]interface {}{\"clusterIP\":\"\", \"type\":\"ClusterIP\", \"sessionAffinity\":\"None\", \"ports\":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{\"protocol\":\"TCP\", \"port\":6379, \"targetPort\":\"redis-server\"}}, \"selector\":map[string]interface {}{\"role\":\"master\", \"app\":\"redis\"}}, \"status\":map[string]interface {}{\"loadBalancer\":map[string]interface {}{}}, \"kind\":\"Service\", \"apiVersion\":\"v1\"}\n\n\nstderr:\nerror: error executing jsonpath \"{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}\": nodePort is not found\n\nerror:\nexit status 1\n",
        Code: 1,
    error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config get service redis-master --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-l0wgy -o jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].nodePort}] []  <nil> Error executing template: nodePort is not found. Printing more information for debugging the template:
    	template was:
    	object given to jsonpath engine was:
    		map[string]interface {}{"metadata":map[string]interface {}{"uid":"fa299489-b63d-11e6-a0be-42010af00028", "resourceVersion":"27477", "creationTimestamp":"2016-11-29T14:13:18Z", "labels":map[string]interface {}{"role":"master", "app":"redis"}, "name":"redis-master", "namespace":"e2e-tests-kubectl-l0wgy", "selfLink":"/api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-kubectl-l0wgy/services/redis-master"}, "spec":map[string]interface {}{"clusterIP":"", "type":"ClusterIP", "sessionAffinity":"None", "ports":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"protocol":"TCP", "port":6379, "targetPort":"redis-server"}}, "selector":map[string]interface {}{"role":"master", "app":"redis"}}, "status":map[string]interface {}{"loadBalancer":map[string]interface {}{}}, "kind":"Service", "apiVersion":"v1"}
     error: error executing jsonpath "{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}": nodePort is not found
     [] <nil> 0xc82174de40 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc820bd6530 0xc820bd6560 0xc820bd6578] [0xc820bd6530 0xc820bd6560 0xc820bd6578] [0xc820bd6558 0xc820bd6570] [0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc820c2b8c0}:
    Command stdout:
    Error executing template: nodePort is not found. Printing more information for debugging the template:
    	template was:
    	object given to jsonpath engine was:
    		map[string]interface {}{"metadata":map[string]interface {}{"uid":"fa299489-b63d-11e6-a0be-42010af00028", "resourceVersion":"27477", "creationTimestamp":"2016-11-29T14:13:18Z", "labels":map[string]interface {}{"role":"master", "app":"redis"}, "name":"redis-master", "namespace":"e2e-tests-kubectl-l0wgy", "selfLink":"/api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-kubectl-l0wgy/services/redis-master"}, "spec":map[string]interface {}{"clusterIP":"", "type":"ClusterIP", "sessionAffinity":"None", "ports":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"protocol":"TCP", "port":6379, "targetPort":"redis-server"}}, "selector":map[string]interface {}{"role":"master", "app":"redis"}}, "status":map[string]interface {}{"loadBalancer":map[string]interface {}{}}, "kind":"Service", "apiVersion":"v1"}
    error: error executing jsonpath "{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}": nodePort is not found
    exit status 1
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #28523 #35741

Failed: [] Kubectl client [] Simple pod should support port-forward {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <exec.CodeExitError>: {
        Err: {
            s: "error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-bctiq] []  0xc8214aeb20  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n [] <nil> 0xc8214af1e0 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc8200372e8 0xc820037310 0xc820037320] [0xc8200372e8 0xc820037310 0xc820037320] [0xc8200372f0 0xc820037308 0xc820037318] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc8218770e0}:\nCommand stdout:\n\nstderr:\nerror: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n\nerror:\nexit status 1\n",
        Code: 1,
    error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-bctiq] []  0xc8214aeb20  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
     [] <nil> 0xc8214af1e0 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc8200372e8 0xc820037310 0xc820037320] [0xc8200372e8 0xc820037310 0xc820037320] [0xc8200372f0 0xc820037308 0xc820037318] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc8218770e0}:
    Command stdout:
    error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
    exit status 1
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #28371 #29604 #37496

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that a pod with an invalid podAffinity is rejected because of the LabelSelectorRequirement is invalid {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc820d47ab0>: {
        s: "0 / 14 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 14 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #35279

Failed: [] Nodes [Disruptive] [] Resize [Slow] should be able to delete nodes {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc821ad1fc0>: {
        s: "timeout waiting 10m0s for cluster size to be 2",
    timeout waiting 10m0s for cluster size to be 2
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #27233 #36204

Failed: [] Restart [Disruptive] should restart all nodes and ensure all nodes and pods recover {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc820f64590>: {
        s: "couldn't find 3 nodes within 20s; last error: expected to find 3 nodes but found only 2 (20.009619986s elapsed)",
    couldn't find 3 nodes within 20s; last error: expected to find 3 nodes but found only 2 (20.009619986s elapsed)
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #26744 #26929

Failed: [] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: CPU) [] [Serial] [Slow] Deployment Should scale from 5 pods to 3 pods and from 3 to 1 {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc8217b6f80>: {
        s: "Only 4 pods started out of 5",
    Only 4 pods started out of 5
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #27406 #27669 #29770 #32642

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates MaxPods limit number of pods that are allowed to run [Slow] {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc821604640>: {
        s: "0 / 12 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 12 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #27662 #29820 #31971 #32505 #34221 #35106 #35110 #35121 #37509

Failed: [] Kubectl client [] Update Demo should scale a replication controller [Conformance] {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <exec.CodeExitError>: {
        Err: {
            s: "error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-9v3fl] []  0xc82178b0e0  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n [] <nil> 0xc82178b960 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc8214b2dd0 0xc8214b2df8 0xc8214b2e08] [0xc8214b2dd0 0xc8214b2df8 0xc8214b2e08] [0xc8214b2dd8 0xc8214b2df0 0xc8214b2e00] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc8213cdce0}:\nCommand stdout:\n\nstderr:\nerror: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n\nerror:\nexit status 1\n",
        Code: 1,
    error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-9v3fl] []  0xc82178b0e0  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
     [] <nil> 0xc82178b960 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc8214b2dd0 0xc8214b2df8 0xc8214b2e08] [0xc8214b2dd0 0xc8214b2df8 0xc8214b2e08] [0xc8214b2dd8 0xc8214b2df0 0xc8214b2e00] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc8213cdce0}:
    Command stdout:
    error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
    exit status 1
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #28437 #29084 #29256 #29397 #36671

Failed: [] Kubectl client [] Simple pod should support inline execution and attach {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <exec.CodeExitError>: {
        Err: {
            s: "error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-teepw] []  0xc8217c2ae0  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n [] <nil> 0xc8217c3620 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc820d620e8 0xc820d62130 0xc820d62140] [0xc820d620e8 0xc820d62130 0xc820d62140] [0xc820d620f0 0xc820d62118 0xc820d62138] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc8218506c0}:\nCommand stdout:\n\nstderr:\nerror: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n\nerror:\nexit status 1\n",
        Code: 1,
    error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-teepw] []  0xc8217c2ae0  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
     [] <nil> 0xc8217c3620 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc820d620e8 0xc820d62130 0xc820d62140] [0xc820d620e8 0xc820d62130 0xc820d62140] [0xc820d620f0 0xc820d62118 0xc820d62138] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc8218506c0}:
    Command stdout:
    error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
    exit status 1
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #26324 #27715 #28845

Failed: [] Kubectl client [] Kubectl logs should be able to retrieve and filter logs [Conformance] {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <exec.CodeExitError>: {
        Err: {
            s: "error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-dlxuu] []  0xc820bff980  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n [] <nil> 0xc8208f22a0 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc820d63c80 0xc820d63ca8 0xc820d63cb8] [0xc820d63c80 0xc820d63ca8 0xc820d63cb8] [0xc820d63c88 0xc820d63ca0 0xc820d63cb0] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc821f2a3c0}:\nCommand stdout:\n\nstderr:\nerror: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n\nerror:\nexit status 1\n",
        Code: 1,
    error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-dlxuu] []  0xc820bff980  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
     [] <nil> 0xc8208f22a0 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc820d63c80 0xc820d63ca8 0xc820d63cb8] [0xc820d63c80 0xc820d63ca8 0xc820d63cb8] [0xc820d63c88 0xc820d63ca0 0xc820d63cb0] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc821f2a3c0}:
    Command stdout:
    error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
    exit status 1
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #26139 #28342 #28439 #31574 #36576

Failed: [] Kubectl client [] Simple pod should return command exit codes {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <exec.CodeExitError>: {
        Err: {
            s: "error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-wz5p8] []  0xc8217c2820  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n [] <nil> 0xc8217c2fc0 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc8219705a8 0xc8219705d0 0xc8219705e0] [0xc8219705a8 0xc8219705d0 0xc8219705e0] [0xc8219705b0 0xc8219705c8 0xc8219705d8] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc821f47740}:\nCommand stdout:\n\nstderr:\nerror: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.\n\nerror:\nexit status 1\n",
        Code: 1,
    error running &{/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ [/workspace/kubernetes_skew/cluster/ --server= --kubeconfig=/workspace/.kube/config delete --grace-period=0 -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-wz5p8] []  0xc8217c2820  error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
     [] <nil> 0xc8217c2fc0 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc8219705a8 0xc8219705d0 0xc8219705e0] [0xc8219705a8 0xc8219705d0 0xc8219705e0] [0xc8219705b0 0xc8219705c8 0xc8219705d8] [0xafa5c0 0xafa720 0xafa720] 0xc821f47740}:
    Command stdout:
    error: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely. You must pass --force to delete with grace period 0.
    exit status 1
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #31151 #35586

Failed: [] SchedulerPredicates [Serial] validates that embedding the JSON PodAffinity and PodAntiAffinity setting as a string in the annotation value work {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc8210fd580>: {
        s: "0 / 12 pods in namespace \"kube-system\" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s\nPOD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS\n",
    0 / 12 pods in namespace "kube-system" are NOT in the desired state in 5m0s
not to have occurred

Failed: [] V1Job should fail a job [Slow] {Kubernetes e2e suite}

Expected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc8201c0760>: {
        s: "timed out waiting for the condition",
    timed out waiting for the condition
not to have occurred

Issues about this test specifically: #37427




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