e2e-gce flake: pods failed to start on a certain node #20985
09:46:17 Feb 10 09:44:28.780: INFO: expected 8 pod replicas in namespace 'kube-system', 6 are Running and Ready.
09:46:17 Feb 10 09:44:28.780: INFO: POD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS
09:46:17 Feb 10 09:44:28.780: INFO: elasticsearch-logging-v1-2wniu e2e-gce-minion-ssyx Pending [{Ready False 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 2016-02-10 09:44:14 -0800 PST ContainersNotReady containers with unready status: [elasticsearch-logging]}]
09:46:17 Feb 10 09:44:28.780: INFO: elasticsearch-logging-v1-vf0wh e2e-gce-minion-lloc Pending 30s []
09:46:17 Feb 10 09:44:28.780: INFO: heapster-v14-ctsap e2e-gce-minion-lloc Pending 30s []
09:46:17 Feb 10 09:44:28.780: INFO: kibana-logging-v1-9dgdx e2e-gce-minion-lloc Pending 30s []
09:46:17 Feb 10 09:44:28.780: INFO: kibana-logging-v1-smhi4 e2e-gce-minion-ssyx Pending [{Ready False 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 2016-02-10 09:44:15 -0800 PST ContainersNotReady containers with unready status: [kibana-logging]}]
09:46:17 Feb 10 09:44:28.780: INFO: kubernetes-dashboard-v0.1.0-4nmi9 e2e-gce-minion-lloc Pending 30s []
Seems e2e-gce-minion-ssyx had trouble bringing up pods.