Forcibly renewing apiserver.crt, admin.conf, etc. certs; along with kubelet PEM (and restricting lifetime/duration)ย #1826
Is this a request for help?
What keywords did you search in kubeadm issues before filing this one?
- Certificates
- Cert rotation
- kubelet
- kubeadm
- Bug report: unexpected functionality.
- Kubernetes version:
. - Cloud provider or hardware configuration: kubeadm on Intel x86_x64 box.
- OS: Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS x86_64.
- Kernel:
What happened?
I configured the ConfigurationManager static pod to use a run-time flag to force certs to expire every 15 minutes instead of every 365 days.
sudo cat /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-controller-manager.yaml | grep -B20 -A5 duration
spec: containers: - command: - kube-controller-manager - --allocate-node-cidrs=true - --authentication-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/controller-manager.conf - --authorization-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/controller-manager.conf - --bind-address= - --client-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt - --cluster-cidr= - --cluster-signing-cert-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt - --cluster-signing-key-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key - --controllers=*,bootstrapsigner,tokencleaner - --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/controller-manager.conf - --leader-elect=true - --node-cidr-mask-size=24 - --requestheader-client-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/front-proxy-ca.crt - --root-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt - --service-account-private-key-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/sa.key - --use-service-account-credentials=true - --experimental-cluster-signing-duration=0h15m0s image: imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent livenessProbe: failureThreshold: 8 httpGet:
I then re-create the kubelet PEM
cert, on the master and all nodes (or I can wait for the existing certs to expire; the PEM
rotation/updates work either way):
# Optional: this will happen automatically on the master and nodes (eventually).
# Kubelet client cert (run on master and all nodes) so kubelet can talk to the API server.
# Working.
sudo rm -rf "/var/lib/kubelet/pki-backup"
sudo mv "/var/lib/kubelet/pki" "/var/lib/kubelet/pki-backup"
sudo systemctl restart kubelet
# Don't skip this delay. The new PEM file takes a while to appear.
sleep 30
I can confirm that the PEM
cert has been updated. By polling via the following command, I see that it is updated periodically on the master and nodes via:
sudo openssl x509 -in /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem -noout -text | grep -A2 "Validity"
Not Before: Oct 8 17:06:00 2019 GMT
Not After : Oct 8 17:21:00 2019 GMT
However, other certs (e.g. API server cert, and basically all the certs in /etc/kubernetes/pki
on the master) have two issues:
They appear to remain unchanged. This is confirmed via:
sudo openssl x509 -in /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.crt -noout -text | grep -A2 "Validity"
Not Before: Oct 7 21:08:23 2019 GMT
Not After : Oct 7 14:56:02 2020 GMT
sudo kubeadm alpha certs check-expiration
admin.conf Oct 07, 2020 14:56 UTC 364d no
apiserver Oct 07, 2020 14:56 UTC 364d no
apiserver-etcd-client Oct 07, 2020 14:56 UTC 364d no
apiserver-kubelet-client Oct 07, 2020 14:56 UTC 364d no
controller-manager.conf Oct 07, 2020 14:56 UTC 364d no
etcd-healthcheck-client Oct 07, 2020 14:56 UTC 364d no
etcd-peer Oct 07, 2020 14:56 UTC 364d no
etcd-server Oct 07, 2020 14:56 UTC 364d no
front-proxy-client Oct 07, 2020 14:56 UTC 364d no
scheduler.conf Oct 07, 2020 14:56 UTC 364d no
Also, config files (e.g. /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
) also appear to be referring to out-of-date certs.
sudo cat /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf | grep "certificate-authority-data" | cut -d ':' -f2- | sed "s/^\s\+//g" | base64 -d | openssl x509 -noout -text -in - | grep -A2 "Validity"
However, the certs don't get (forcibly) updated. So, I execute the following:
sudo kubeadm alpha certs renew all
certificate embedded in the kubeconfig file for the admin to use and for kubeadm itself renewed
certificate for serving the Kubernetes API renewed
certificate the apiserver uses to access etcd renewed
certificate for the API server to connect to kubelet renewed
certificate embedded in the kubeconfig file for the controller manager to use renewed
certificate for liveness probes to healtcheck etcd renewed
certificate for etcd nodes to communicate with each other renewed
certificate for serving etcd renewed
certificate for the front proxy client renewed
certificate embedded in the kubeconfig file for the scheduler manager to use renewed
Now, checking again:
sudo kubeadm alpha certs check-expiration
admin.conf Oct 07, 2020 17:10 UTC 364d no
apiserver Oct 07, 2020 17:10 UTC 364d no
apiserver-etcd-client Oct 07, 2020 17:10 UTC 364d no
apiserver-kubelet-client Oct 07, 2020 17:10 UTC 364d no
controller-manager.conf Oct 07, 2020 17:10 UTC 364d no
etcd-healthcheck-client Oct 07, 2020 17:10 UTC 364d no
etcd-peer Oct 07, 2020 17:10 UTC 364d no
etcd-server Oct 07, 2020 17:10 UTC 364d no
front-proxy-client Oct 07, 2020 17:10 UTC 364d no
scheduler.conf Oct 07, 2020 17:10 UTC 364d no
The certs are updated, but, the duration/lifetime is still a year, rather than 15 minutes. Additionally, it appears that /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
is not updated at all.
sudo cat /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf | grep "certificate-authority-data" | cut -d ':' -f2- | sed "s/^\s\+//g" | base64 -d | openssl x509 -noout -text -in - | grep -A2 "Validity"
Not Before: Oct 7 21:08:23 2019 GMT
Not After : Oct 4 21:08:23 2029 GMT
What you expected to happen?
- All the
certs would be updated (good so far), and would have a 15 minute lifetime (didn't happen; is the--experimental-cluster-signing-duration
expected to impact the config files and certs, or just thePEM
file used bykubelet
?). - The various config files (including
) would be (forcibly) updated to reflect new certificates being generated.
How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)?
CLI examples provided above.
Anything else we need to know?
I'm attempting to implement a recurring job that will execute either once every 2 hours, or once every week, for a set of isolated kubeadm
-based bare-metal and VM-based clusters on air-gapped private networks, being used by teams of students. I need to be able to forcibly update all the certificates periodcially (i.e. much more frequently than once per year) for some labs. Since these machines have no internet access, relying on the upgrade option to automatically handle cert upgrades is not practical/viable. However, I'm now concerned that both manually and automatically driven certificate updates might not update the config files and /etc/kubernetes/pki/
certs (and would like to be able to forcibly update them and reduce their duration/lifetime like the PEM
files to confirm all certs are updated as expected).
Thank you for your time and assistance.
- "Improvement for #15292",
, last accessed 2019-10-08. - "kubeadm alpha phase certs renew all should also update certs in KubeConfig files kubeadm alpha phase certs renew all should also update certs in KubeConfig filesย #1361",
, last accessed 2019-10-08. - "Kubelet fails to authenticate to apiserver due to expired certificate #65991",
, last accessed 2019-10-08.