Installing ingress-nginx plugin with krew failed with an error download 404.
I tried my best on the search engines, but couldn't find any relevant information.
No status
zhumeishuai commentedon Nov 5, 2024
Is there any way to solve it?
zhumeishuai commentedon Nov 6, 2024
@strongjz Is there any way to solve it?
strongjz commentedon Nov 6, 2024
0.31.0 controller is no longer supported. To my understanding, the plugin version should match the controller version.
gianarb commentedon Nov 7, 2024
Hello @strongjz I have facing the same issue.
I use helm to install nginx in my kubernetes cluster. Currently this is the helm version:
At the best of my knowledge it is the latest released by this project.
Looking at the nginx controller image deployed this is what I have:
I can't find
anywhere in my system, so I am not sure why krew is looking for such version. Unfortunately I am debugging an issue for one of my cluster. I can't really dig deeper, but I will be back with more if I can find what is going on.In the meantime I am gonna build the plugin from source
mhbahmani commentedon Dec 2, 2024
Same issue here. Is there any solution for this?
threadcrux commentedon Dec 2, 2024
See my related issue filed here in
repo: kubernetes-sigs/krew-index#4254This is not a solution but shedding more light on the situation. The plugin definition has not been updated in 4+ years.
There is also a secondary issue, the plugin is based upon the controller releases that used to provide builds for different platforms/architectures. It no longer looks like the release system is providing builds.
Sorry about the ping blast. What needs to be done to get platform/architecture builds reestablished for the above? I can provide the fix in the krew repo but there is nothing to point the plugin definitions at.
I am also unsure of which version would be best for the plugin definition
threadcrux commentedon Dec 2, 2024
I started to reverse engineer what happened. The MakeFile no longer has a
target and the
script is missing.I filed an issue for those here:
Looks like it was removed here, and then nothing has happened since:
Not sure why removing the build script for manual building was the idea thrown around. Anyways there is a github action for this but not entirely sure its working
to v2. #1243921 remaining items