- Prepare a cluster and setup kubectl context Do whatever you want to customize your cluster. You can use existing cluster or create a new one.
- ML Usage GPU normally is required for deep learning task. You may consider create zero-sized GPU node-pool with autoscaling. Please reference GPU Tutorial.
- Security You may consider use Workload Identity in GCP cluster.
Here for simplicity, we create a small cluster with --scopes=cloud-platform which grants all the GCP permissions to the cluster.
gcloud container clusters create mycluster \
--zone us-central1-a \
--machine-type n1-standard-2 \
--scopes cloud-platform \
--enable-autoscaling \
--min-nodes 1 \
--max-nodes 5 \
--num-nodes 3
- Prepare CloudSQL
Create CloudSQL instance. Console.
Here is a sample for demo.
gcloud beta sql instances create mycloudsqlname \
--database-version=MYSQL_5_7 \
--tier=db-n1-standard-1 \
--region=us-central1 \
You may use Private IP to well protect your CloudSQL. If you use Private IP, please go to VPC network peering to double check whether the "cloudsql-mysql-googleais-com" is created and the "Exchange custom routes" is enabled. You are expected to see "Peer VPC network is connected".
- Prepare GCS Bucket
Create Cloud Storage bucket. Console.
gsutil mb -p myProjectId gs://myBucketName/
- Customize your values
- Edit params.env, params-db-secret.env and cluster-scoped-resources/params.env
- Edit kustomization.yaml to set your namespace, e.x. "kubeflow"
- (Optional.) If the cluster is on Workload Identity, please run gcp-workload-identity-setup.sh
The script prints usage documentation when calling without argument. Note, you should
call it with
env var.
- make sure the Google Service Account (GSA) can access the CloudSQL instance and GCS bucket
- if your workload calls other GCP APIs, make sure the GSA can access them
- Install
kubectl apply -k sample/cluster-scoped-resources/
kubectl wait crd/applications.app.k8s.io --for condition=established --timeout=60s
kubectl apply -k sample/
# If upper one action got failed, e.x. you used wrong value, try delete, fix and apply again
# kubectl delete -k sample/
kubectl wait applications/mypipeline -n kubeflow --for condition=Ready --timeout=1800s
Now you can find the installation in Console