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Jupyter UI that manages Notebook CRs (#2357)
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* Introduce jupyter-web-app's code under /components

Add the webapp's code to /components/jupyter-web-app. It is a
basic Flask application with HTML/CSS/jQuery.

Signed-off-by: Kimonas Sotirchos <>

* Add jupyter-web-app component in jupyter pkg

Add the jsonnet files in /kubeflow/jupyter. Currently the webapp
is used alongside JupyterHub. The webapp is under the prefix /jupyter.
The image param of the jupyter-web-app must be configured before

Signed-off-by: Kimonas Sotirchos <>

* UI fixes

Fixes noted from avdaredevil:

* Fix XSS vulnerability
* Use template literals for HTML inside JS

Signed-off-by: Kimonas Sotirchos <>

* Add webapp to init scripts

Signed-off-by: Kimonas Sotirchos <>
  • Loading branch information
kimwnasptd authored and k8s-ci-robot committed Feb 14, 2019
1 parent f5dc021 commit 67190d7
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Showing 35 changed files with 4,395 additions and 1 deletion.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions components/jupyter-web-app/Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
FROM ubuntu:16.04

RUN apt-get update -y && \
apt-get install -y apt-utils build-essential curl \
python-dev python3-pip \
libssl-dev libffi-dev python3-bcrypt

# We copy just the requirements.txt first to leverage Docker cache
COPY ./requirements.txt /app/requirements.txt

RUN pip3 install -r /app/requirements.txt

COPY default /app/default
COPY rok /app/rok

WORKDIR /app/default

ENTRYPOINT ["python3"]
CMD [""]
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions components/jupyter-web-app/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@

# List any changed files. We only include files in the notebooks directory.
# because that is the code in the docker image.
# In particular we exclude changes to the ksonnet configs.
CHANGED_FILES := $(shell git diff-files --relative=components/jupyter-web-app)

ifeq ($(strip $(CHANGED_FILES)),)
# Changed files is empty; not dirty
# Don't include --dirty because it could be dirty if files outside the ones we care
# about changed.
GIT_VERSION := $(shell git describe --always)
GIT_VERSION := $(shell git describe --always)-dirty-$(shell git diff | shasum -a256 | cut -c -6)

TAG := $(shell date +v%Y%m%d)-$(GIT_VERSION)
all: build

# To build without the cache set the environment variable
# export DOCKER_BUILD_OPTS=--no-cache
docker build ${DOCKER_BUILD_OPTS} -t $(IMG):$(TAG) . \
--build-arg kubeflowversion=$(shell git describe --abbrev=0 --tags) \
docker tag $(IMG):$(TAG) $(IMG):latest
@echo Built $(IMG):latest
@echo Built $(IMG):$(TAG)

# Build but don't attach the latest tag. This allows manual testing/inspection of the image
# first.
push: build
gcloud docker -- push $(IMG):$(TAG)
@echo Pushed $(IMG) with :$(TAG) tags

push-latest: push
gcloud container images add-tag --quiet $(IMG):$(TAG) $(IMG):latest --verbosity=info
echo created $(IMG):latest
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions components/jupyter-web-app/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
## Goals
- replace JupyterHub Spawner UI with a new Jupyter UI that natively manages Notebook CRs
- allow Users to create, connect to and delete Notebooks by specifying custom resources

## Design
The new Jupyter UI uses [Python Flask]( for the backend and HTML/jQuery/Material Design Lite for the frontend. A privileged `ServiceAccount` along with proper `RBAC` resources are associated with the Pod hosting the Flask server. In this manner, the `jupyter-web-app` Pod is allowed to manage Notebook CRs and PVCs in the `kubeflow` namespace.

Please note that as soon as the Profile Controller supports automatic creation of read/write ServiceAccounts for each `Profile`, the new Jupyter UI will be updated to use the respective JWTs and perform all K8s API requests via [K8s Impersonation]( This will ultimately provide isolation of resources between Users and avoid any possible conflicts. For more information about User authentication and e2e workflow see the [Jupyter design doc](

## User Interaction
As soon as the User points his/her browser to http://<KUBEFLOW_IP>/jupyter/ he/she will be directed to the new Jupyter UI. By default the UI will try to list the Notebooks in the namespace of its `ServiceAccount`, currently `kubeflow`, as mentioned above. If something goes wrong the UI will notify the user with an appropriate message containing info about the API call error.

From the Noteooks table he/she can either click the `+` button to create a new Notebook or perform `Delete`/`Connect` actions to an existing one. The UI only performs requests regarding the Notebook CRs to the K8s API server. The management of all child resources(`Service`, `Deployment`) is performed by the Notebook CR Controller.

By pressing the `+` button to create a Notebook the user is redirected to a form that allows him to configure the `PodTemplateSpec` params of the new Notebook. The User can specify the following options regarding his/her Jupyter Notebook: `name`, `namespace`, `cpu`, `memory`, `workspace volume`, `data volumes`, `extra resources`. Notably, he/she can create new Volumes from scratch (type set to `New`) or mount existing ones (type set to `Existing`). By clicking the `SPAWN` button, a new Notebook with the aforementioned options will be created in the `kubeflow` namespace. If some option is not specified, a default value will be used.

Please wait for the Notebook Pod to be successfully created and reach Ready state before trying to connect to it.
Otherwise, Ambassador won't be able to route traffic to the correct endpoint and will fail
with "upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers".
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from flask import Flask, url_for, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

from kubeflow.jupyter import routes
178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions components/jupyter-web-app/default/kubeflow/jupyter/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
import json
from flask import jsonify, render_template, request
from import ApiException
from kubeflow.jupyter import app
from kubeflow.jupyter.server import parse_error, \
get_namespaces, \
get_notebooks, \
delete_notebook, \
create_notebook, \
from kubeflow.jupyter.utils import create_notebook_template, \
create_pvc_template, \
set_notebook_names, \
set_notebook_image, \
set_notebook_cpu_ram, \
add_notebook_volume, \

# Helper function for getting the prefix of the webapp
def prefix():
if request.headers.get("x-forwarded-prefix"):
return request.headers.get("x-forwarded-prefix")
return ""

@app.route("/post-notebook", methods=['POST'])
def post_notebook_route():
data = {"success": True, "log": ""}
body = request.form

# Template
notebook = create_notebook_template()
notebook_cont = notebook["spec"]['template']['spec']['containers'][0]

# Set Name and Namespace
set_notebook_names(notebook, body)

# Set Image
set_notebook_image(notebook, body)

set_notebook_cpu_ram(notebook, body)

# Workspacae Volume
if body["ws_type"] == "New":
pvc = create_pvc_template()
pvc['metadata']['name'] = body['ws_name']
pvc['metadata']['namespace'] = body['ns']
pvc['spec']['resources']['requests']['storage'] = \
body['ws_size'] + 'Gi'

except ApiException as e:
data["success"] = False
data["log"] = parse_error(e)
return jsonify(data)

# Create the Workspace Volume in the Pod
if body["ws_type"] != "None":
"volume-" + body["nm"],

# Add the Data Volumes
counter = 1
while ("vol_name" + str(counter)) in body:
i = str(counter)
vol_nm = 'data-volume-' + i
pvc_nm = body['vol_name' + i]
mnt = body['vol_mount_path' + i]

# Create a PVC if its a new Data Volume
if body["vol_type" + i] == "New":
size = body['vol_size' + i] + 'Gi'
mode = body['vol_access_modes' + i]
pvc = create_pvc_template()

pvc['metadata']['name'] = pvc_nm
pvc['metadata']['namespace'] = body['ns']
pvc['spec']['resources']['requests']['storage'] = size

except ApiException as e:
data["success"] = False
data["log"] = parse_error(e)
return jsonify(data)

add_notebook_volume(notebook, vol_nm, pvc_nm, mnt)
counter += 1

# Add Extra Resources
extra = json.loads(body["extraResources"])
except Exception as e:
data["success"] = False
data["log"] = parse_error(e)
return jsonify(data)

notebook_cont['resources']['limits'] = extra

# If all the parameters are given, then we try to create the notebook
# return
except ApiException as e:
data["success"] = False
data["log"] = parse_error(e)
return jsonify(data)

return jsonify(data)

@app.route("/add-notebook", methods=['GET'])
def add_notebook_route():
# A default value for the namespace to add the notebook
if request.args.get("namespace"):
ns = request.args.get("namespace")
ns = "kubeflow"

form_defaults = spawner_ui_config("notebook")
return render_template('add_notebook.html', prefix=prefix(), ns=ns,

@app.route("/delete-notebook", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def del_notebook_route():
nb = request.args.get("notebook")
ns = request.args.get("namespace")

# try to delete the notebook
data = {"success": True, "log": ""}
delete_notebook(nb, ns)
except ApiException as e:
data["success"] = False
data["log"] = parse_error(e)

return jsonify(data)

def list_notebooks_route():
ns = request.args.get("namespace")

# Get the list of Notebooks in the given Namespace
data = {"notebooks": [], "success": True}
data['notebooks'] = get_notebooks(ns)
except ApiException as e:
data['notebooks'] = []
data['success'] = False
data["log"] = parse_error(e)

return jsonify(data)

def notebooks_route():
base_ns = "kubeflow"

# Get the namespaces the token can see
nmsps = get_namespaces()
except ApiException:
nmsps = [base_ns]

return render_template('notebooks.html', prefix=prefix(),
title='Notebooks', namespaces=nmsps)
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions components/jupyter-web-app/default/kubeflow/jupyter/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
import json
from kubernetes import client, config
from kubernetes.config import ConfigException

# Load configuration inside the Pod
except ConfigException:
# Load configuration for testing

# Create the Apis
v1_core = client.CoreV1Api()
custom_api = client.CustomObjectsApi()

def parse_error(e):
err = json.loads(e.body)['message']
except json.JSONDecodeError:
err = str(e)
except KeyError:
err = str(e)

return err

def get_secret(nm, ns):
return v1_core.read_namespaced_secret(nm, ns)

def get_namespaces():
nmsps = v1_core.list_namespace()
return [ for ns in nmsps.items]

def get_notebooks(ns):
custom_api = client.CustomObjectsApi()

notebooks = \
custom_api.list_namespaced_custom_object("", "v1alpha1",
ns, "notebooks")
return [nb['metadata']['name'] for nb in notebooks['items']]

def delete_notebook(nb, ns):
body = client.V1DeleteOptions()

return \
custom_api.delete_namespaced_custom_object("", "v1alpha1",
ns, "notebooks", nb, body)

def create_notebook(body):
ns = body['metadata']['namespace']
return \
custom_api.create_namespaced_custom_object("", "v1alpha1",
ns, "notebooks", body)

def create_pvc(body):
ns = body['metadata']['namespace']
return v1_core.create_namespaced_persistent_volume_claim(ns, body)

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