[Bug]: Changing value of automatically_upgrade_os
has no effect on existing nodes #1489
I created a cluster with the default setting automatically_upgrade_os = true
. I noticed that changing this value to false afterward has no effect. It only seems to be applied when a new node is created.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a cluster with
automatically_upgrade_os = true
- Change the value to
automatically_upgrade_os = false
- Run
terraform plan
. No changes are detected. - Run
terraform apply
. - SSH into one of the nodes and execute
systemctl status transactional-update.timer
. The status still shows as enabled.
I don't know if this behavior is intended. It would be convenient being able to change this value across all nodes through terraform.
Changing the value automatically_upgrade_k3s
applies the changes to the cluster as expected.
Kube.tf file
module "kube-hetzner" {
providers = {
hcloud = hcloud
hcloud_token = var.hcloud_token != "" ? var.hcloud_token : local.hcloud_token
source = "kube-hetzner/kube-hetzner/hcloud"
cluster_name = "k8s-prod03"
ssh_public_key = file("id_ed25519.pub")
ssh_private_key = file("id_ed25519")
network_region = "eu-central"
control_plane_nodepools = [
name = "control-plane-01"
server_type = "cx22"
location = "fsn1"
labels = []
taints = []
count = 3
agent_nodepools = [
name = "agent-pool-01"
server_type = "cx32"
location = "fsn1"
labels = []
taints = []
count = 2
load_balancer_type = "lb11"
load_balancer_location = "fsn1"
ingress_controller = "none"
initial_k3s_channel = "v1.30"
automatically_upgrade_os = false
automatically_upgrade_k3s = true
provider "hcloud" {
token = var.hcloud_token != "" ? var.hcloud_token : local.hcloud_token
terraform {
required_version = ">= 1.5.0"
required_providers {
hcloud = {
source = "hetznercloud/hcloud"
version = ">= 1.43.0"
output "kubeconfig" {
value = module.kube-hetzner.kubeconfig
sensitive = true
variable "hcloud_token" {
sensitive = true
default = ""
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