Ubiquitous SSH Code Server
- Install by typing on the server:
wget https://github.com/kristofvl/UbiSSHCode/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
- this command + link provides the .sh file:
wget https://github.com/kristofvl/UbiSSHCode/raw/main/webssh_project.sh
- execute the script:
bash ./webssh_project.sh
command to run the https server with specified cert and key file is wsshusi
Daemon control
1-to start webssh daemon type: /etc/init.d/wessh start
2-to stop webssh daemon type: /etc/init.d/wessh stop
3-to check the status of webssh daemon type: /etc/init.d/wessh status
4-to run the script on startup type: sudo update-rc.d wessh defaults
5-to stop running the script on startup type: sudo update-rc.d wessh remove
- check for inspecting a single solution
- ex_status for inspecting all solutions for a given assignment
- indent for checking 2-space identation