Sequence Planner (SP) is a micro service architecture for modeling and analyzing automation systems. Initially, the focus was on supporting engineers in developing control code for programmable logical controllers (PLCs). During the first years, algorithms to handle product and au- tomation system interaction, and to visualize complex operation sequences using multiple projections, was developed. Over the years, other use cases have been integrated, like formal verification and synthesis using Supremica, restart support, cycle time optimization, energy optimization and hybrid systems, online monitoring and control (the tweeting factory), as well as emergency department online planning support.
This is the sub-project of SP with origin at
Now we are about to split the SP Source Code and publish each sub-project to Sonatype and to each new SP-project let the project add our libraries needed as dependencies
Download and install Simple Build Tool (SBT). Files and instructions for your platform are available at the project website,
SP is a set of micro services that communicates via json messages in an akka cluster.
You have to start each service or group of services in a seperate terminal