Tired of clicking up the Explorer meta data?
Want to check each file in a folder for stuff like copyright or just to see what version a file has?
This little dotnet tool has you covered.
You will need tho have the dotnet sdk installed, you can get it here https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/5.0
Since this runs as a dotnet tool the full SDK is needed.
Run the following command to set it up:
dotnet tool install metaprint -g
More info can be found here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-tool-install
This will install it as a global tool, see the help to see what it can do
metaprint --help
The simple example with one file:
metaprint -f some-random.dll
Look at the files in a directory:
metaprint -d c:\data\files
The verbose example with a directory but just files with with ".1" extension:
metaprint -d c:\data\files -e ".1" -v