Implementation of IdentityServerV3s ILocalizationService
Specific culture:
var options = new LocaleOptions { Locale = "nb-NO" };
var localizationService = new GlobalizedLocalizationService(options);
To use IdentityServer3s default provided localization:
var localizationService = new GlobalizedLocalizationService();
Pirate culture:
var options = new LocaleOptions { Locale = "pirate" }; // ye be warned!
var localizationService = new GlobalizedLocalizationService(options);
- Default/English (the default provided by the DefaultLocalizationService)
- nb-NO (Norwegian Bokmål)
- tr-TR (Turkish), Iltera sayesinde
- de-DE (German), danke Schön ManuelRauber
- pirate (yarr), yarr repo owner
PM> Install-Package IdentityServer3.Localization
How to add another language:
- Fork the repo
- Add the following resource files for your language in the resource folder (for instance by copying the default). ISO codes can be found [here])
- Events.ISO-code-for-your-translation.resx
- Messages.ISO-code-for-your-translation.resx
- Scopes.ISO-code-for-your-translation.resx
- Run the tests and fix any errors so they are green!
- Rebase off upstream if behind, and submit the Pull Request
- Thinktecture.IdentityServer3 -