It collects the following information:
- All the pod logs from Rook Ceph cluster and if separate operator namespace in individual files.
- Ceph command outputs for debugging the current state of the cluster.
- Output of
kubectl version
- All the Deployment YAMLs:
kubectl get -n rook-ceph deployments --output yaml
- Configmaps:
kubectl get configmap -n rook-ceph -oyaml
- Node related information:
kubectl get nodes
andkubectl get nodes -oyaml
ConfigMap:kubectl -n rook-ceph get ConfigMap rook-config-override -o yaml
- Currently only works with Rook Ceph clusters
- Toolbox pod must be running to collect some of the information needed by the debug script
configured with access to the Kubernetes clusters running the Rook Ceph clusters
$ ./ -h
Usage: ./ [FLAGS]
-h - Show help menu.
-d - Set Rook Ceph Operator and CSI log level to debug/trace.
-n NAMESPACE - Rook Ceph Cluster namespace, default: 'rook-ceph' (CLUSTER_NAMESPACE).
-o NAMESPACE - If the operator is run separately from the cluster, specify the namespace (OPERATOR_NAMESPACE).
-t - Disable tar-ing the collected info to the current working dir.
The script creates a temp directory (mktemp
) on the system prefixed with gather-logs-
We use shellcheck
for linting and checking the scripts in this repository.
is run by our CI process for any code changes to ensure the scripts are formatted properly.
Please open a pull request with code changes you want to make, thanks!