Additional dependencies packaging for making enhanced features available in Ceph Container Image.
Added library support for:
Ceph Dashboard SSO: The dashboard supports authentication via an external identity provider using the SAML 2.0 protocol.
The koor-ceph-container is hosted on Koor's Docker Hub registry and can be pulled using::
docker pull koorinc/koor-ceph-container:$versiontag
Version tags can be found on Koor's Docker Hub registry
Alternatively, tags could be found from command line using the following command (assuming you have jq
$ curl -s\?page_size\=100 | jq '."results"[] .name'
The builds are initiated by docker-image-rebuild.yaml
which sources environment variables from .env
and shell scripts
present at src/
These scripts then pick up the latest stable release Ceph container image from
quay registry and minimally
rebuilds them with dependencies and configurations needed for additional feature
support using src/Dockerfile
tagged as:
The packaged images are based of CentOS. The rebuild image is then pushed to Koor's Docker Hub registry and are made available for pulling them.