This library allows convenient access to HDF5 files with Tensorflow. A class for reading batches of data out of arrays or tables is provided. A secondary class wraps both the primary reader and a Tensorflow FIFOQueue for straight-forward streaming of data from HDF5 files into Tensorflow operations.
The libaray is backed by multitables
for high-speed reading of the HDF5 datasets.
is based on PyTables (tables
), so this library can make use of any compression algorithms
that PyTables supports.
This software is distributed under the MIT licence. See the LICENSE.txt file for details.
pip install git+
or download and run
python install
or simply copy
into your project directory.
depends on multitables
, numpy
and tensorflow
import tftables
import tensorflow as tf
# Open the HDF5 file. The batch_size defined the length
# (in the outer dimension) of the elements (batches) returned
# by the reader.
reader = tftables.open_file(filename='path/to/h5_file',
# For simple arrays, the get_batch method returns a
# placeholder for one batch taken from the array.
array_batch_placeholder = reader.get_batch('/internal/h5_path/to/array')
# We can then do a transform on the raw data.
array_float = tf.to_float(array_batch_placeholder)
# The placeholder can then be used in your network
result = my_network(array_float)
with tf.Session() as sess:
# The feed method provides a generator that returns
# feed_dict's containing batches from your HDF5 file.
for i, feed_dict in enumerate(reader.feed()):, feed_dict=feed_dict)
if i >= N:
# Finally, the reader should be closed.
A slightly more involved example showing how to use HDF5 tables and Tensorflow queues.
import tftables
import tensorflow as tf
reader = tftables.open_file(filename='path/to/h5_file',
# For tables and compound data types, a dictionary is returned.
table_batch_dict = reader.get_batch('/internal/h5_path/to/table')
# The keys for the dictionary are taken from the column names of the table.
# The values of the dictionary are the corresponding placeholders for the batch.
col_A_pl, col_B_pl = table_batch_dict['col_A'], table_batch_dict['col_B']
# You can access multiple datasets within the HDF5 file.
# They all share the same batchsize, and are fed into your
# graph simultaneously.
labels_batch = reader.get_batch('/my_label_array')
truth_batch = tf.one_hot(labels_batch, 2, 1, 0)
# This class creates a Tensorflow FIFOQueue and populates it with data from the reader.
loader = tftables.FIFOQueueLoader(reader, size=2,
# The inputs are placeholders (or graphs derived thereof) from the reader.
inputs=[col_A_pl, col_B_pl, truth_batch])
# Batches are taken out of the queue using a dequeue operation.
dequeue_op = loader.dequeue()
# The dequeued data can then be used in your network.
result = my_network(dequeue_op)
with tf.Session() as sess:
# The queue loader needs to be started inside your session
# Then simply run your operation, data will be streamed
# out of the HDF5 file and into your graph!
for _ in range(N):
# Finally, the queue should be stopped.
See the unit tests for complete examples.