How to check your translations locally?
You will need nodejs enviroment and pnpm.
Particular commands you need to write to your terminal
Look up on instructions at First_Time
- If it is everything runs, that great!
- Now open in your editor your language .json file which is in
, for Spanish
- Everytime you hit save, reload page to see your changes live.
- On the upper right you will see your flag. If you don't see your native language flag, request new language at our Discord, we can add your language!
- Once you are done, make pull-request
We've made video how to translate from the browser.
- Fork the repository
- Go to same path in your repository
- Choose language and hit edit
We welcome your contribution. You will be historical part of KodaDot NFT contribution! First translations will be rewarded with NFT with value in it.