iOS Logs, Events, And Preferences Parser
Details in blog post here:
Supports iOS 11, 12 & 13. Select parsing directly from a compressed .tar/.zip file or a decompressed directory.
⚙️ Mobile Installation Logs
⚙️ iOS 12 & 13 Notifications
⚙️ Build Info (iOS version, etc.)
⚙️ Wireless cellular service info (IMEI, number, etc.)
⚙️ Screen icons list by screen and in grid order.
⚙️ ApplicationState.db support for app bundle ID to data container GUID correlation.
⚙️ User and computer names that the iOS device connected to. Function updated by Jack Farley (@JackFarley248,
⚙️ KnowldgeC + Powerlog artifacts.
And many, many more...
Pre-requisites: This project requires you to have Python > 3.7.4 installed on your system.
To install dependencies, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To install dependencies offline Troy Schnack has a neat process here:
To run on Linux, you will also need to install tkinter
separately like so:
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
To compile to an executable so you can run this on a system without python installed.
To create ileapp.exe, update ileapp.spec file with directory script located in then run:
pyinstaller --onefile ileapp.spec
To create ileappGUI.exe, update ileappGUI.spec file with directory script located in then run:
pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole ileappGUI.spec
$ python -t <zip | tar | fs> -i <path_to_extraction> -o <path_for_report_output>
$ python
$ python --help
The GUI will open in another window.