JS fundamentals from zero to hero, based on a course by Platzi
Part 1: JS fundamentals
- Variables
- Data types
- Booleans
- Strings
- Numbers
- Call by value and by reference
- Type casting
Part 2: Functions
- Anatomy
- Functions and methods
- Pureness
- This
- Binding
- Arrow functions
- Constructors
Part 3: Loops and logic
- Operators
- Conditionals
- Loops
Part 4: Arrays
- Mutability
- Inmutability
- push, pop, shift, unshift, splice, reverse, sort, fill
- map, forEach. filter, reduce
- find, findIndex
- concat, join, spread, every, some, includes, slice
- bidimensional arrays
Part 5: Objects
- Constructors
- Classes
- Prototypes
- this