Normalized gradient descent decouples the gradient norm from its direction. In the simplest setup it just normalizes the gradient and multiply it by some step.
The simplest optimizer of that form is following:
def l2_normalize(grad: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
return tf.nn.l2_normalize(grad)
class NormalizedSGD(tf.train.Optimizer):
def _apply_dense(self, grad: tf.Tensor, var: tf.Variable) -> tf.Operation:
update_grad = * tf.nn.l2_normalize(grad)
return tf.assign_sub(var, update_grad)
Despite the simplicity of this approach this methods seems to work surprisingly well on different benchmarks and in many cases beating Adam optimizer.
Here are my notes about this problem: Notes
It is worth to check this papers:
- Block-Normalized Gradient Method: An Empirical Study for Training Deep Neural Network (2018) probably the most related research in that topic. The authors replaced gradients by their norms and plug them into existing optimizers like Adam, RMSprop, Momentum. The results indicate the block-normalized gradient can help accelerate the training of neural networks.
- An overview of gradient descent optimisation algorithms a review on existing optimizers.
- Optimization for Deep Learning Highlights in 2017 Same source but more recent approaches, like new schedulers, optimizers improvements etc.
- The Power of Normalization: Faster Evasion of Saddle Points normalized gradients and noise injection leads have nice properties to escape from saddle points.
- New Optimization Methods for Modern Machine Learning (Thesis) contains description on different optimization methods, not necessarily related to this problem, but definitely worth to check.
- Barzilai-Borwein Step Size for Stochastic Gradient Descent an algorithm for adaptive learning rate using Barzilai-Borwein to estimate the step size. I did try the approach of this work, however I have found the step estimation with BB to be very unstable. Once the estimated step size was of order 100 but in the next epoch it was 0.001. The authors propose smoothing method to solve this problem. Maybe I did something wrong when implementing this method.
Notebook Solving_quadratic_equation
The aim is to solve quadratic equation of form:
L(x) = 0.5 x^T Q x + b^T x
where Q
is random positive-definite matrix, b
is a random vector.
- adaptive learning rate is working for that case
- momentum is working too.
- one may note that the initial value of the learning rate was too small
- momentum was decreasing slowly.
- gradient correlation drops to zero. See my notes.
When using adaptive method, the initial value of the learning rate should not be as much important. Check the fig a) where NSGD - denotes the normalized gradient descent method with adaptive learning rate as discussed in notes.
Notebook Training simple multilayer percepton
* 30 dense layers of size 128.
* After each layer Batchnormalization is applied then dropout at level 0.2
* Small l2 regularization is added to the weights of the network
- Adaptive learning rate was not working, as discussed in my notes.
- Momentum was not helping.
- Plain max normalization is used to achieve the best result and manual learning rate scheduling.
Notebook Training simple CNN
The implementation of the CNN net is taken from the: keras-demo
- Adam, and Normalized gradients train much faster than used in the Keras demo RMSprop optimizer. The authors report 79% accuracy after 60 epochs. Here we reach 82% in 45 epochs.
- Adaptive learning rate was not working, as discussed in my notes.
- Momentum was not working.
- Plain
normalization is used to achieve the best result and manual learning rate scheduling. Max normalization was performing a worse in that case. Maybe lower learning rate are required to get the best result.