File system based routing for Vue 3 applications using Vite
Install Pages:
$ npm install -D vite-plugin-pages
Add to your vite.config.js
import Vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue';
import Pages from 'vite-plugin-pages';
export default {
plugins: [
import Vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue';
import Pages from 'vite-plugin-pages';
export default {
plugins: [
extensions: ['tsx', 'jsx'],
react: true
By default a page is a Vue component exported from a .vue
or .js
file in the src/pages
You can access the generated routes by importing the virtual:generated-pages
module in your application.
import { createRouter } from 'vue-router';
import routes from 'virtual:generated-pages';
const router = createRouter({
// ...
To use custom configuration, pass your options to Pages when instantiating the plugin:
// vite.config.js
import Pages from 'vite-plugin-pages';
export default {
plugins: [
pagesDir: 'src/views',
extensions: ['vue', 'ts'],
- Type:
string | string[] | PageDirOptions[]
- Default:
Relative path to the pages directory. Supports globs.
Can be:
- single path: routes point to
- array of paths: all routes in the paths point to
- array of
, Check below 👇
Specifying an array of PageDirOptions
allow you to use multiple pages folder, and specify the base route to append to the path and the route name.
# folder structure
├── features/
│ └── admin/
│ ├── code/
│ ├── components/
│ └── pages/
└── pages/
// vite.config.js
export default {
plugins: [
pagesDir: [
{ dir: 'src/pages', baseRoute: '' },
{ dir: 'src/features/admin/pages', baseRoute: 'admin' },
- Type:
- Default:
['vue', 'js']
An array of valid file extensions for pages.
- Type:
- Default:
An array of glob patterns to exclude matches.
# folder structure
├── users/
│ ├── components
│ │ └── form.vue
│ ├── [id].vue
│ └── index.vue
└── home.vue
// vite.config.js
export default {
plugins: [
exclude: ['**/components/*.vue']
- Type:
'sync' | 'async' | (filepath: string) => 'sync' | 'async')
- Default:
- Top level index file:
, can turn off by optionsyncIndex
. - Others(Vue):
- Others(React):
- Top level index file:
Import mode can be set to either async
, sync
, or a function which returns one of those values.
To get more fine-grained control over which routes are loaded sync/async, you can use a function to resolve the value based on the route path. For example:
// vite.config.js
export default {
plugins: [
importMode(path) {
// Load about page synchronously, all other pages are async.
return path.includes('about') ? 'sync' : 'async';
- Type:
- Default:
Default SFC route block parser.
- Type:
- Default:
Check: #16
Replace '[]' to '_' in bundle filename
- Type:
- Default:
Use Nuxt.js style dynamic routing
More details: File System Routing
- Type:
(route: Route, parent: Route | undefined) => Route | void | Promise<Route | void>
A function that takes a route and optionally returns a modified route. This is useful for augmenting your routes with extra data (e.g. route metadata).
// vite.config.js
export default {
// ...
plugins: [
extendRoute(route, parent) {
if (route.path === '/') {
// Index is unauthenticated.
return route;
// Augment the route with meta that indicates that the route requires authentication.
return {
meta: { auth: true },
- Type:
(routes: Route[]) => Route[] | void | Promise<Route[] | void>
A function that takes a generated routes and optionally returns a modified generated routes.
- Type:
(clientCode: string) => string | void | Promise<string | void>
A function that takes a generated client code and optionally returns a modified generated client code.
Add route meta to the route by adding a <route>
block to the SFC. This will directly added to the route after it is generated, and will override it.
You can specific a parser to use using <route lang="yaml">
, or set a default parser using routeBlockLang
- Supported parser: JSON, JSON5, YAML
- Default: JSON5
name: "name-override",
meta: {
requiresAuth: false
<route lang="yaml">
name: name-override
requiresAuth: true
Inspired by the routing from NuxtJS 💚
Pages automatically generates an array of routes for you to plug-in to your instance of Vue Router. These routes are determined by the structure of the files in your pages directory. Simply create .vue
files in your pages directory and routes will automatically be created for you, no additional configuration required!
For more advanced use cases, you can tailor Pages to fit the needs of your app through configuration.
Pages will automatically map files from your pages directory to a route with the same name:
Files with the name index
are treated as the index page of a route:
Dynamic routes are denoted using square brackets. Both directories and pages can be dynamic:
Any dynamic parameters will be passed to the page as props. For example, given the file src/pages/users/[id].vue
, the route /users/abc
will be passed the following props:
{ "id": "abc" }
We can make use of Vue Routers child routes to create nested layouts. The parent component can be defined by giving it the same name as the directory that contains your child routes.
For example, this directory structure:
├── users/
│ ├── [id].vue
│ └── index.vue
└── users.vue
will result in this routes configuration:
path: '/users',
component: '/src/pages/users.vue',
children: [
path: '',
component: '/src/pages/users/index.vue',
name: 'users'
path: ':id',
component: '/src/pages/users/[id].vue',
name: 'users-id'
Catch-all routes are denoted with square brackets containing an ellipsis:
The text after the ellipsis will be used both to name the route, and as the name of the prop in which the route parameters are passed.
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