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dotfiles that work without sudo

This is a modern Neovim, Tmux, Zsh configuration that supports installing everything locally (i.e. non-system-wide user install, not using sudo).
You can enjoy working on a remote SSH server without root permission, just like you do locally.




Keep it stable!

This repository includes a GitHub Actions that automatically checks if the commit hasn't been made for 1 week.
If it has not been updated for 1 week, we consider that commit to be 'stable' and automatically bump version with stable tag.
In order to try the stable version, just run dotstable after setting up the zsh. This will also pull neovim plugin versions that have been used for the stable commit.

Also, it has many versions of vim configurations.

  • vi to run a fully-featured bleeding-edge configuration of neovim.
  • vic to run neovim with stable and mild configuration using CoC. It's a balance between the two, and should be used when the first option is broken.
  • lazyvim to run pre-configured LazyVim.
  • \vim to run original vim with no plugins (only simple .vimrc)
  • csvi to read CSV files. :CsvAlign or :TsvAlign to align columns and H, L to move by columns.
  • Use vscode_init.lua for VSCode-Neovim.



  • Feature-rich prompt powered by Starship
  • Autocomplete, autosuggest
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Vim mode
  • Fuzzy searching with fzf
    • Try Ctrl+t to find file, Alt+c to change directory, Ctrl+r to reverse search commands.
  • Smart change directory with Zoxide
    • Try z <partial dirname..> like z dot will go to the ~/.config/dotfiles.


  • Yank registers synchronised with tmux. Yank from neovim and paste on tmux. Copy from tmux and paste on neovim.
  • See more in nvim/



  • Linux x86-64, macOS, Windows WSL2
  • Neovim v0.10.0 (make sure you use this exact version)
  • Tmux v3.4
  • Zsh v5.9 (in v5.8 highlighting will look weird and fzf-tab will remove some lines)

On Ubuntu, maybe you need to install some dependencies:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y python3.11-venv  # for neovim's mason.nvim
# NOTE: change the version number depending on your system's python version.


  1. Install dotfiles
cd ~/.config	# it doesn't have to be here. Just install anywhere
git clone

# WARNING: ./ will override existing dotfiles without validation (but will create a backup).
# The old dotfiles will be moved with '~' suffix.
# Use with care if you configured something manually.
cd dotfiles
  1. Install zsh, oh-my-zsh
source ~/.cargo/env  # activate `cargo install ...`
git submodule update --init --remote  # Install and update all zsh plugins

NOTE: some steps like may not work from the first run, because they break with missing dependencies easily.
Kindly try it again after re-opening your terminal, if some error occurs.

Open your terminal again and you'll see you're running zsh.

See oh-my-zsh/ for details.

  1. Install neovim and tmux

You need Neovim v0.10.0. The fold column will look ugly in v0.8.x.

On Linux, you can install locally using:


This will download the latest appimage for each and extract at ~/.local/bin.

Install neovim dependencies:


Install tmux plugins:

  1. Install others
# You might want to symlink dotfiles again in case some scripts overrode them
# You only need to install it to the local computer, not in SSH host computer.
# If you're using wezterm (recommended), install terminfo
  1. Install / Update dotfiles, apps, plugins etc.
# WARNING: This includes calling ./ so the dotfile symlinks will be updated.
dotupdate			# Use if you want to update to the latest commit
dotstable			# Use if you want to use the stable tag
dotupdate <tag>		# Specify the tag/commit you want to use

SSH with WezTerm

If you ssh into a remote server, it won't understand the terminal and the UI will break (like backspace seems to work like space).
You need to install wezterm.terminfo on the server.

bash wezterm/ <ssh_server_name>  # run this before ssh into a new server. Only need it once.
ssh <ssh_server_name>


You can use the provided Dockerfile that has everything installed.

docker pull
docker run -it --rm \
    -u $UID:$UID \
    -e TERM=$TERM \

Implementation details

Keychron knob

To support Keychron knob, I mapped the knob using VIA as following:

  • Counter Clockwise: F3 (F2 on Mac)
  • Clockwise: F6
  • Press: F7
  • Fn + Counter Clockwise: F8
  • Fn + Clockwise: F10
  • Fn + Press: F9

You'll see the keymaps in tmux, wezterm, zsh and neovim.

For example,

bindkey "^[OR" dirhistory_zle_dirhistory_back  # F3, knob counter-clockwise
bindkey "^[[15~" dirhistory_zle_dirhistory_back  # F2, knob counter-clockwise (mac)
bindkey "^[[17~" dirhistory_zle_dirhistory_future  # F6, knob clockwise
bindkey "^[[18~" dirhistory_zle_dirhistory_up  # F7, knob click 

In NeoVim, <F13> means Shift + F1, <F25> means Ctrl + F1.

Sometimes it is hard to pass the exact key sequence to the terminal. For example, skhd intercepts F6 and it can't pass the same key to the terminal. Thus, I used F5 in some cases.