TO BUILD the 'dsstne' module for import into Python:
sudo rm -rf build sudo python install
TO TEST the 'dsstne' module via Python:
Download and install the CIFAR-10 image recognition test data into the "amazon-dsstne/samples/cifar-10/cifar-10-batches-bin" directory as explained in the comments to the "amazon-dsstne/samples/cifar-10/dparse.cpp" file.
Execute training followed by prediction for image recognition data via 'cd images' followed by 'python train.cdl' followed by 'python predict.cdl'
Training creates the "images/checkpoint/check*.nc" files and the "images/results/" file that is subsequently used for prediction. Training and prediction use the "images/config.json", "images/train.cdl", and "images/predict.cdl" files that are copied from the "amazon-dsstne/samples/cifar-10" directory and modified to specify the following data files: amazon-dsstne/samples/cifar-10/cifar-10-batches-bin/ amazon-dsstne/samples/cifar-10/cifar-10-batches-bin/
It is also possible to execute via MPI Python scripts that import the 'dsstne' module; for example: 'mpiexec -np 1 python predict.cdl' where a parallel dataset is necessary for np > 1.
TO IMPORT the 'dsstne' module into Python:
'import dsstne as dn' will import and initialize the 'dsstne' module BUT 'from mpi4py import MPI' must occur BEFORE 'import dsstne as dn' so that MPI will have a communicator.
The 'dsstne' module is a Python-C++ extension module that defines Python-C++ extension functions and is written according to instructions at the following URL:
However, the above URL fails to explain that the 'import_array()' required subroutine MUST occur in the same compilation unit as all other code in the extension module; otherwise, a segmentation fault will occur. For this reason, the source code of the 'dsstne' module comprises only one .cc file ("") that includes all other source code as .h files. Also, it appears that the '#include <Python.h>' must be the FIRST of all #include directives, so this directive occurs first in the "dsstnemodule.h" file, for which the #include directive occurs first in the "" file.
The Python-C++ interface allows bi-directional transfer of these primitive data types: string, bool, int, and float. Following transfer from Python, these data types are parsed by C++ via the PyArg_ParseTuple function. They are encoded by C++ for transfer to Python via the Py_BuildValue function.
Classes may not be transferred acrosss the Python-C++ interface unless a separate Python module in built via C++ for the transfer, which is a somewhat cumbersome limitation. However, a void* pointer may be transferred from C++ to Python when enclosed in a "capsule" that is built by C++ via the PyCapsule_New function. Python can't open the resulting capsule but it can return the capsule to C++ as the argument to a Python-C++ extension function. Upon receipt of the capsule, C++ can open it via the PyCapsule_GetPointer function. Dynamic type checking is possible because PyCapsule_New allows specification of a string key that is included in the capsule and that is checked by PyCapsule_GetPointer.
The C++ PyArg_ParseTuple function also permits parsing of Python non-primitive data types such as NumPy arrays and Python arrays. The ability to parse Python arrays permits the transfer of a vector of data sets (a vector<NNDataSetBase*>) between Python and C++. Because a Python array is in fact a list, C++ builds a Python list from the vector<NNDataSetBase*> as follows. The list is created via the PyList_New function and then each NNDataSetBase* in the vector is enclosed in a capsule by the PyCapsule_New function and added to the list via the PyList_SetItem function. The list is returned to Python and treated as an array. When the list is sent back to C++ as the argument to a Python-C++ extension function, C++ obtains each capsule on the list via the PyList_GetItem function, opens the capsule to obtain the NNDataSetBase*, and appends the NNDataSetBase* to a vector. The C++ code that implements this bi-directional transfer is found in the dsstnemodule.h file as the DataSetBaseVectorToPythonList and PythonListToDataSetBaseVector functions.
There are two types of NumPy arrays: dense and sparse. Both types of array may be transferred from Python to C++. C++ is able to modify the contents of a dense NumPy array such that the modified contents are available to Python. Also, C++ is able to construct a new dense NumPy array and return it to Python.
Accessing a dense NumPy array from C++ is straightforward. The PyArray_DIMS, PyArray_NDIM, and PyArray_SIZE macros return the dimensions, the number of dimensions, and the number of elements for the array, respectively. The PyArray_DATA macro returns a void* pointer to a contiguous array of the NumPy array's data and permits C++ to directly access those data. The NdArrayToVector function of dsstnemodule.h is an example of access to the data of a dense NumPy array.
Accessing a sparse NumPy array from C++ is more complicated. The following URL discusses the format of a compressed sparse row (CSR) two-dimensional matrix:
Four attributes describe a CRS matrix: the shape, which is a 2-tuple that specifies the number of rows and columns, and three one-dimensional arrays: data, indices, and indptr. Via these four attributes, C++ is able to access a CSR matrix. The NNDataSetAccessors::CreateSparseDataSet function of NNDataSetAccessors.h is an example of CSR matrix access.
It is not possible to transfer an element of an enum from C++ to Python. For this reason, C++ uses a static map to convert an enumerator to a string that is returned to Python. Similarly, Python specifies an enumerator via a string and then C++ uses a static map to convert the string to an enumerator. Examples of these static maps are found in the dsstnemodule.h and NNLayerAccessors.h files.
Each extension function provided by the Python-C++ API is described in the file. The arguments for each extension function are passed via the 'args' parameter that is parsed by the PyArg_ParseTuple function to obtain one or more arguments. For each extension function, the documentation included with the source code describes each argument.