I'm a Software Developer at JetBrains, working on the PyCharm team with a focus on data science applications. As an indie developer, I'm building the iOS app Papper alongside a small team. I also continue to support my academic bioinformatics projects, keeping them alive and open-source. For a detailed list of my scientific publications, check out my Google Scholar Profile.
- Role: Creator
- Description: A bioinformatics tool for large-scale gene annotation and orthology inference.
- Publication: Science
- Repo: TOGA
- Related Work: Genome Alignment Pipeline
- Role: Software developer and technical co-founder
- Status: Released
- Description: An iOS app for tracking task lists synced with paper.
- Language: Swift (closed source)
- Website: Papper
- AppStore: Link
- Language: Kotlin (Old version in Python)
- Description: A tool for creating glitch art through compression and decompression algorithms.
- Repo: Kotlin, FFT transform
- Telegram:
- Email:
kirilenkobm [ at ] gmail.com
- LinkedIn: bkirilenko