The NotifReceive function is blocked and the notifHandler goroutine cannot exit. #30
[ 1 paragraph concisely describing the bug ]
The NotifReceive function is blocked and the notifHandler goroutine cannot exit.
When the container generates a new process, seccomp agent will allocate a notifHandler goroutine to monitor the abnormal syscall. When the process was dead, the notifHandler goroutine was still there and blocked at the NotifReceive function.
A large number of useless notifHandler goroutines are generated in the seccomp agent container
[ 1 sentence detailing the impact this bug is creating for you ]
Environment and steps to reproduce
k8s version v1.21.4+rke2r2
linux system Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
kernel version 5.15.0-50-generic
- Set-up: [ describe the environment Flatcar/Lokomotive/Nebraska etc was running in when encountering the bug; Platform etc. ]
- Task: [ describe the task performing when encountering the bug ]
- Action(s): [ sequence of actions that triggered the bug, see example below ]
a. [ requested the start of a new pod or container ]
b. [ container image downloaded ] - Error: [describe the error that was triggered]
Expected behavior
[ describe what you expected to happen at 4. above but instead got an error ]
Additional information
Please add any information here that does not fit the above format.