- A decentralized exchange for seamless swaps on the Polkadot Asset Hub.
corepack enable
pnpm install
# optionally, update PAPI metadata from live networks
# pnpm papi:update
pnpm dev
This method is recommended for development as it allows you to test and execute transactions in a sandboxed environment without using real tokens.
You will need two terminal instances:
corepack enable
pnpm install
# This will launch networks and keep the terminal instance busy
pnpm chopsticks
Chopsticks runs local copies of each network supported by Kheopswap with the following RPC URLs:
Network | Local RPC Url |
Polkadot | ws://localhost:3420 |
Polkadot Asset Hub | ws://localhost:3421 |
Hydration | ws://localhost:3422 |
Note: To see your balances on these local networks in Talisman, customize each network in Talisman settings to use these RPCs.
pnpm install
# optionally, update PAPI metadata from live networks
# pnpm papi:update
pnpm dev:chopsticks
Note: When Kheopswap is connected to Chopsticks, the website header will be orange (instead of the usual pink), letting you know you are in sandbox mode.