Use the shell script Branch is not merged yet as not aware of future state of AMIs
We need to add this template to available ones for Jenkins slave to pick up in the file here. Done in this pull request plus follow up PRs
The AMI used as slave is ami-0dc04b59dd27c88cb, based off of ami-0124b815041324e45. It was originally created from the above mentioned script that used Centos 7 community AMI as source. When I compiled GHC on that slave, I noticed that it needed packages below. Installed them manually using yum install and then created a new AMI from instance using the UI on EC2. yum install git yum install yum install python36u yum install ncurses-devel yum install gcc-c++
Also, on jenkins slave ssh could not be used for the ghc and ghc-lib repos, instead we used https and updated the .gitconfig and shell script accordingly