A good way to get early adopters might be to be a drop-in replacement for OpenMOC or OpenMC. But we choose to design a simplified interface.
Pitchfork Layout vector-of-bool/pitchfork
build/: Used for storing ephemeral build results. Must be ignored in .gitignore.
src/: Main compilable source location. In the presence of include/, also contains private headers.
include/: Directory for public headers. May be present. May be omitted for projects that do not distinguish between private/public headers. May be omitted for projects that use submodules.
tests/: Directory for tests.
examples/: Directory for samples and examples.
external/: Directory for packages/projects to be used by the project, but not edited as part of the project.
data/: Directory containing non-source code aspects of the project.
tools/: Directory containing development utilities, such as build and refactoring scripts
docs/: Directory for project documentation.
- Material : describe a material with its cross-sections
- vec sigma_t total or transport cross-section
- vec sigma_a absorption cross-section
- mat sigma_s scattering cross-section
- vec sigma_f fission cross-section
- vec nu_sigma_f nu*fission
- vec chi
- bool fissible
- str name (optional)
- Cell
- PinCell : cell with concentric annular regions
- Lattice : set or PinCell or set of Lattice
- Mesh
- Symetry
- 1/2
- 1/8
- Boundary counditions
- Vaccum
- Reflexion