This a Spree Rails application using Omise ActiveMerchant gateway plugin.
Tested with Spree Stable and ActiveMerchant 1.47.0, which uses our Omise branch: omise-1.47.0
We plan to send a PR to mainstream ActiveMerchant at some point.
- Create a token using Omise.js and charge the card using token.
- Use token to save customer on database and charge the card anytime (Spree Card Profile)
- Full Void
- Partial Refunds
If you already have a Spree store, just add the following to Gemfile
# For spree version 3.0.0
gem 'activemerchant', github: 'omise/active_merchant', branch: 'omise-1.47.0'
gem 'spree-omise', github: 'omise/spree-omise'
To start with a fresh store:
git clone
cd spree_demo
bundle install
cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
bundle exec rake db:create
bin/rake railties:install:migrations
bin/rake db:migrate
bin/rake db:seed
bin/rake spree_sample:load
bin/rake secret
copy the output from bin/rake secret
and set it as a value of secret_key_base
key in config/secrets.yml for a running environment
( more details )
bin/rails server
Navigate to admin page and do the following:
- Set default currency as a Thai Baht in Currency Settings
- Add a new Payment Method, go to Configurations > Payment Methods (/admin/payment_methods/new)
- Edit Payment Method and add your API Keys
And your customers can now checkout with Omise Payment Gateway.