The Android Manifest Configurator plugin lets you configure AndroidManifest in your Unreal Engine 4 project.
- Current version: 1.3.0
- Binaries compiled for: Unreal Engine 4.15
- Required Unreal Engine 4.15 or above.
You can package separate versions for different configurations (smaller APK!), for example texture compressions, and Google Play Store automatically choose which version should be installed on device.
- Filters for Google Play Store
- Filters for textures compression
- Filters for device screen & input
- Filters for hardware type
- Filters for device sensors
- Out of the box for Android platform
Copy this folder to the Plugins folder located in the main path of your project.
Enable Android Manifest Configurator in Edit -> Plugins -> Misc -> Android Manifest Configurator.
Go to Project Settings -> Plugins -> Android Manifest Configurator and change properties as you want. More info about Filters on Google Play you can find on official Android docs.
Plugin icon designed by Freepik.