Embedded C project that displays the heart rate, Sp02, and cardiac pulse/waveform of a medical patient on a seven segment display. This was created using a PIC18F14K22 MCU and a PICkit3 programmer.
make build
Project files can be executed in Microchip's MPLab X IDE with a PICkit programmer device. Navigate to the projects tap in the IDE, right click on the seven-segment-delay
project and select Set as Main Project
in the context menu. In the menu bar, select Make and Program Device Main Project
to program the MCU, or Program Device for Debugging Main Project
to debug.
The PICkit programmer can supply power to the circuit through a computer's USB port by navigating to Production
and then to Customize
. In the pop up window, select PICkit [3]
from the Categories
sidebar on the left. From the Option categories
dropdown, select Power
and check the box next to Power target circuit from PICkit [3]
. The Voltage level (up to 5.5V) may also be changed in this menu.
houses the main content of the project that displays a pateint's heart rate and Sp02 readings.
> device_config.c
contains the configuration bits for the project.
> pin_manager.c/h
contains MCC generated macros for the GPIO pins in use in this project.
includes a text file with experimental sinusoidal display patterns.