Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web-applications in Ruby with minimal effort.
# myapp.rb require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' get '/' do 'Hello world!' end
Run with ruby myapp.rb
and view at http://localhost:4567
get '/' do .. show things .. end post '/' do .. create something .. end put '/' do .. update something .. end delete '/' do .. annihilate something .. end head '/' do end
NOTE: put
and delete
are also triggered when a _method
parameter is set to PUT or DELETE and the HTTP request method is POST
Routes are matched based on the order of declaration. The first route that matches the request is invoked.
get '/hi' do ... end
Named parameters:
get '/:name' do # matches /sinatra and the like and sets params[:name] end
Splat parameters:
get '/say/*/to/*' do # matches /say/hello/to/world params["splat"] # => ["hello", "world"] end get '/download/*.*' do # matches /download/path/to/file.xml params["splat"] # => ["path/to/file", "xml"] end
User agent matching:
get '/foo', :agent => /Songbird (\d\.\d)[\d\/]*?/ do "You're using Songbird version #{params[:agent][0]}" end get '/foo' do # matches non-songbird browsers end
Put all of your static content in the ./public directory
root \ public
If a file exists that maps to the REQUEST_PATH then it is served and the request ends. Otherwise, Sinatra will look for an event that matches the path.
Views are searched for in a “views” directory in the same location as your main application.
get '/' do haml :index end
Renders ./views/index.haml
get '/' do erb :index end
Renders ./views/index.erb
See Sinatra::Builder
get '/stylesheet.css' do content_type 'text/css', :charset => 'utf-8' sass :stylesheet end
Renders ./views/stylesheet.sass
get '/' do haml '%div.title Hello World' end
Renders the inlined template string.
Templates are evaluated within the Sinatra::EventContext instance used to evaluate event blocks. Instance variables set in event blocks can be accessed direcly in views:
get '/:id' do @foo = Foo.find(params[:id]) haml '%h1==' end
Or, specify an explicit Hash of local variables:
get '/:id' do foo = Foo.find(params[:id]) haml '%h1==', :locals => { :foo => foo } end
This is typically used when rendering templates as partials from within other templates.
Templates may be defined at the end of the source file:
get '/' do haml :index end use_in_file_templates! __END__
It’s also possible to define named templates using the top-level template method:
template :layout do "X\n=yield\nX" end template :index do '%div.title Hello World!' end get '/' do haml :index end
The top-level helpers
method takes a block and extends all EventContext instances with the methods defined:
helpers do def bar(name) "#{name}bar" end end get '/:name' do bar(params[:name]) end
These are run in Sinatra::EventContext before every event.
before do .. this code will run before each event .. end
To immediately stop a request during a before filter or event use:
throw :halt
Set the body to the result of a helper method
throw :halt, :helper_method
Set the body to the result of a helper method after sending it parameters from the local scope
throw :halt, [:helper_method, foo, bar]
Set the body to a simple string
throw :halt, 'this will be the body'
Set status then the body
throw :halt, [401, 'go away!']
Set the status then call a helper method with params from local scope
throw :halt, [401, [:helper_method, foo, bar]]
Run a proc inside the Sinatra::EventContext instance and set the body to the result
throw :halt, lambda { puts 'In a proc!'; 'I just wrote to $stdout!' }
Create you own to_result
class MyResultObject def to_result(event_context, *args) event_context.body = 'This will be the body! end end get '/' do throw :halt, end
Get the gist? If you want more fun with this then checkout to_result
on Array, Symbol, Fixnum, NilClass.
Sinatra supports multiple environments and reloading. Reloading happens before every request when running under the :development environment. Wrap your configurations in configure
(i.e. Database connections, Constants, etc.) to protect them from reloading or to target specific environments.
All environments:
configure do ... end
configure :production do ... end
Two at a time:
configure :production, :test do ... end
This is also really nifty for error handling.
Error handlers run inside the current Sinatra::EventContext instance, which means you get all the goodies it has to offer (i.e. haml, erb, throw :halt, etc.)
When Sinatra::NotFound is raised, the not_found handler is invoked:
not_found do 'This is nowhere to be found' end
By default, the error
handler is invoked on Sinatra::ServerError or when an unknown error occurs.
The exception can be obtained from the ‘sinatra.error’ variable in request.env.
error do 'Sorry there was a nasty error - ' + request.env['sinatra.error'].name end
Custom errors:
error MyCustomError do 'So what happened was...' + request.env['sinatra.error'].message end
Then, if this happens:
get '/' do raise MyCustomError, 'something bad' end
You get this:
So what happened was... something bad
Sinatra installs special not_found and error handlers when running under the development.
When using send_file or static files you may have mime types Sinatra doesn’t understand. Use mime
in those cases.
mime :foo, 'text/foo'
Sinatra rides on Rack, a minimal standard interface for Ruby web frameworks. One of Rack’s most interesting capabilities for application developers is support for “middleware” – components that sit between the server and your application monitoring and/or manipulating the HTTP request/response to provide various types of common functionality.
Sinatra makes building Rack middleware pipelines a cinch via a top-level use
require 'sinatra' require 'my_custom_middleware' use Rack::Lint use MyCustomMiddleware get '/hello' do 'Hello World' end
The semantics of use
are identical to those defined for the Rack::Builder DSL (most frequently used from rackup files). For example, the use
method accepts multiple/variable args as well as blocks:
use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password| username == 'admin' && password == 'secret' end
Rack is distributed with a variety of standard middleware for logging, debugging, URL routing, authentication, and session handling. Sinatra uses many of of these components automatically based on configuration so you typically don’t have to use
them explicitly.
require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' require 'sinatra/test/unit' require 'my_sinatra_app' class MyAppTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_my_default get_it '/' assert_equal 'My Default Page!', @response.body end def test_with_agent get_it '/', :agent => 'Songbird' assert_equal 'You're in Songbird!', @response.body end ... end
require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' require 'sinatra/test/spec' require 'my_sinatra_app' describe 'My app' do it "should show a default page" do get_it '/' body.should.equal 'My Default Page!' end ... end
require 'rubygems' require 'spec' require 'sinatra' require 'sinatra/test/rspec' require 'my_sinatra_app' describe 'My app' do it 'should show a default page' do get_it '/' @response.should be_ok @response.body.should == 'My Default Page!' end ... end
See Sinatra::Test::Methods for more information on get_it
, post_it
, put_it
, and friends.
Sinatra applications can be run directly:
ruby myapp.rb [-h] [-x] [-p PORT] [-e ENVIRONMENT]
Options are:
-h # help -p # set the port (default is 4567) -e # set the environment (default is development) -x # turn on the mutex lock (default is off)
Besides Ruby itself, you only need a text editor, preferably one that supports Ruby syntax hilighting. VIM and Emacs are a fine choice on any platform, but feel free to use whatever you’re familiar with.
Sinatra uses the Git source code management system. If you’re unfamiliar with Git, you can find more information and tutorials on as well as Scott Chacon created a great series of introductory screencasts about Git, which you can find here:
cd where/you/keep/your/projects git clone git:// cd sinatra cd path/to/your_project ln -s ../sinatra/
cd where/you/keep/sinatra git pull
at the top of your sinatra_app.rb file:
$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/sinatra/lib' require 'sinatra' get '/about' do "I'm running on Version " + Sinatra::VERSION end
There are several ways to do this. Probably the easiest (and preferred) way is to fork Sinatra on GitHub (, push your changes to your Sinatra repo, and then send Blake Mizerany (bmizerany on GitHub) a pull request.
You can also create a patch file and attach it to a feature request or bug fix on the issue tracker (see below) or send it to the mailing list (see Community section).
If you have a problem or question, please make sure to include all the relevant information in your mail, like the Sinatra version you’re using, what version of Ruby you have, and so on.
You can find us on the Freenode network in the channel #sinatra (
There’s usually someone online at any given time, but we cannot pay attention to the channel all the time, so please stick around for a while after asking a question.