To run Maestrano automation tests, following items needs to be installed locally
- Node.js
- Protractor (v5.1.2)
- Webdriver (v3.0.1 or above)
- protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter (v0.3.5)
Ubuntu 16.4 LTS:
$ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
- node -v
- npm -v
Protractor & Webdriver
sudo npm install
sudo npm install
We are maintaining package.json file, so protractor and webdriver can be installed by just typing npm install. it will install all dependencies under node_module folder
npm run start-webdriver
npm run tests
- Navigate to webdriver-manager folder
cd ~/automation-testing/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/bin
./web-driver start
- if you have standalone version of web-driver
./web-driver --versions.standalone=3.0.1 start PRESS enter
Make sure you have confs_local.js reside in a same folder where you are running the test
- Navigate to protractor folder
cd ~/automation-testing/node_modules/protractor/bin
./protractor confs_local.js -suite regression
it will run all tests were mentioned under regression switch in confs_local.js file
Few maestrano automation tests excepts parameters from commandline to run properly across all platforms. Maestrano automation tests currently supporting following parameters.
- defautlUrl
- enable
- disable
These parameters are defined in confs_local.js file under params To run test with params:
/node_module/protracotor/bin/protractor confs_local.js ''
if host is not passed from commandline then tests will run on Production environment by default []
When the test run will be finished, the report folder will be created automatically under the same directory. In order to view the status of test run, open up index.html file in the browser. Screenshots against each test are also captured in the same folder.