This CDK app is meant to be used to publish Powertools for AWS Lambda (TypeScript) Lambda Layer. It is composed of a single stack deploying the Layer into the target account.
npm ci
npm run cdk deploy
By default it will package the layer with the latest version publicly available but you can force the public version to use with PowerToolsPackageVersion
context variable:
npm run cdk deploy -- --context PowerToolsPackageVersion='0.9.0'
npm run test
This will deploy and destroy several stacks in your AWS Account
npm run test:e2e
PS: You can force
- the lambda runtime to test with the RUNTIME env variable
- the Powertools for AWS Lambda (TypeScript) version with VERSION env variable
RUNTIME=node12.x VERSION=0.9.0 npm run test:e2e
- Activate new region in your TEST and PROD accounts
- Bootstrap a CDKToolkit stack in the new region
cdk bootstrap aws://AWS_ACCOUNT/NEW_REGION
- Deploy the first layer version to the new region, make sure to set the NEW_REGION in your AWS CLI configuration correctly, otherwise you will deploy to the wrong region
npm run cdk -w layers -- deploy --app cdk.out --context region=NEW_REGION 'LayerPublisherStack' --require-approval never --verbose
- Run the bumper script to bring all layers to the same version across all regions
- Add new region to the worklflow in
- Document new region in