This library implements DCM and SEM for FMRI data. In addition, it implements "Layers" versions of both.
Clone the repo and install
git clone
cd dcsem
pip install .
The easiest way to run the simulations is by using the command line wrapper tools dcsem_sim
and dcsem_fit
(BUT: dcsem_fit
has not yet been implemented).
To get the usage, simply type:
dcsem_sim --help
It is best to run the simulator using a configuration file which defines all the parameters. Here is an example which simulates a DCM model with 3 regions and 2 layers per region:
# Comments are ignored
outdir = /path/to/output/folder
# Model
model = DCM
# Network definitions:
num_rois = 3
num_layers = 2
Amat = /path/to/Amat.txt
Cmat = /path/to/Cmat.txt
# Time series params
time_points = 200
tr = 0.72
cnr = 20
# Stimulus
stim = /path/to/simulus.txt
Once the configuration file has been created, you can run the simulation using:
dcsem_sim --config my_configuration.txt
The files Amat.txt
and Cmat.txt
required to run the simulations can have two different formats. They can either be explicitly given or they can be "described" (see below).
For example, the network shown below has two ROIs with connectivity between the upper and lower layers between the ROIs.
The corresponding connectivity matrix (assuming all connection parameters equal 1 and self-connections equal -1) is:
echo -1 0 0 0 > Amat.txt
echo 0 -1 0 0 >> Amat.txt
echo 0 1 -1 0 >> Amat.txt
echo 1 0 0 -1 >> Amat.txt
The same info could be given with the following text file:
R0, L0 -> R1, L1 = 1
R1, L0 -> R0, L1 = 1
The self connections can also be added to the above for each roi and layer, or it can be included in the command-line interface using the --self_conn
The simulations can also be directly run using the python interface. In the below example, we create a simple two-ROI DCM model.
import numpy as np
from dcsem import models, utils
# input
tvec = np.arange(100) # time vector (seconds)
u = utils.stim_boxcar(np.array([[0,10,1]])) # stimulus function (here onset=0, duration=10s, magnitude=1)
# connectivity params
num_rois = 2
num_layers = 1
# roi0,layer0->roi1,layer0 : magnitude = 0.2
connections = ['R0,L0 -> R1,L0 = .2']
A = utils.create_A_matrix(num_rois,
# input->roi0,layer0 : c=1
input_connections = ['R0, L0 = 1.']
C = utils.create_C_matrix(num_rois, num_layers,input_connections)
# instantiate object
dcm = models.DCM(num_rois, params={'A':A,'C':C})
# run simulation
bold, state_tc = dcm.simulate(tvec, u)
# plot results
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(tvec, bold)
Below is how you can generate data for layer DCM. We generate a 1 ROI layer DCM, and we change the value of the blood draining parameter
from dcsem import models, utils
TR = 1 # repetition time
ntime = 100 # number of time points
tvec = np.linspace(0,ntime*TR,ntime) # seconds
stim = [[0,30,1]]
u = utils.stim_boxcar(stim)
# 1 ROI
A = utils.create_A_matrix(num_rois=1, num_layers=2, self_connections=-1.)
C = utils.create_C_matrix(num_rois=1, num_layers=2, input_connections=['R0,L0=1.','R0,L1=1.'])
bold_tc = []
lambdas = [0,0.1,0.4,0.6,0.8,0.9]
for l in lambdas:
ldcm = models.TwoLayerDCM(num_rois=1, params={'A':A, 'C':C, 'l_d':l})
# Plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for s,l in zip(bold_tc,lambdas):
plt.title('Lower layer')
plt.title('Upper layer')
Effect of changing
The API of the MultiLayerSEM class is quite similar to DCM, except we don't have an input (the input is random noise) and there are no self-connections.
In the below example, we simulate a 2 ROI, 3 layer model and we fit the parameters to the simulated data and plot the posterior distributions.
from dcsem import models, utils
import numpy as np
num_rois = 2
num_layers = 3
A = utils.create_A_matrix(num_rois,num_layers,
['R0,L2 -> R1,L1 = 1.5',
'R1,L0 -> R0,L0 = 0.5',
'R1,L2 -> R0,L0 = 0.5'])
sigma = 1.
lsem = models.MultiLayerSEM(num_rois,num_layers,params={'A':A, 'sigma':sigma})
TIs = [400, 600, 800, 1000] # inversion times
y = lsem.simulate_IR(tvec, TIs)
tvec = np.linspace(0,1,100)
res = lsem.fit_IR(tvec, y, TIs)
Now plot the posterior distributions:
# Compare fitted to simulated params
ground_truth = lsem.p_from_A_sigma( A, sigma )
estimated = res.x
estimated_cov = res.cov
fig = utils.plot_posterior(estimated, estimated_cov, samples=res.samples, actual=ground_truth)
You should obtain something like the below:
The theory below is based on Heinzle et al. Neuroimage 2016
The traditional DCM model is composed of two elements, a state equation describing the evolution of neuronal dynamics
The Balloon model relates neural activity to the BOLD signal change via a neuro-vascular coupling mechanism involving 4 state variables:
Finally, the BOLD signal change is a nonlinear combination of changes in blood flow and dHb concentration:
Note: in Heinzle2016, the model has been slightly re-parametrised compared to Friston2000, here is the mapping between the two:
Extending the model to incorporate multiple layers can be straightforwardly done by considering each layer as its own region, but (as in Heinzle et al.) we would like to additionally model the effect of venous blood flowing up towards the pial surface. This is achieved using two additional state variables (per layer)
\tau_d\frac{dv^{\star}{k}}{dt} & = & -v^{\star}{k} + (1-v_{k-1}) \
\tau_d\frac{dq^{\star}{k}}{dt} & = & -q^{\star}{k} + (1-q_{k-1})
The state equations for the layer dynamics are slightly different to the standard balloon model, with the addition of the two new state variables added to all but the first layer:
$$ \begin{array}{rcl} \tau\frac{dv_k}{dt} & = & -v_k^{1/\alpha} + f_k + \lambda_d v^{\star}{k} \ \tau\frac{dq_k}{dt} & = & -\frac{v_k^{1/\alpha}}{v_u}q_k+f_k\frac{1-(1-E_0)^{1/f_k}}{E_0} + \lambda_d q^{\star}{k} \end{array} $$
Structural Equation Modelling is a non-dynamic model where activity in different regions are related through the equation:
where the non-zero elements of
The above equation implies:
The covariance implied by the model is
For Layer SEM, we simply consider each layer as its own region in the definition of the
and therefore