FluentMigrator is a SQL migration framework designed to help version an application's database. This package allows a developer to quickly create a new migration from within Visual Studio's Tool Window.
A few notable features:
- Timestamp generation
- Migration file named correctly with timestamp
- Migration added to
project under current active solution
Build the project then install DatabaseMigration.vsix as an extension.
Once installed, open the View > Other Windows > Database Migration Window
in Visual Studio.
In the new window, choose migration project and operation then type db object name. when you click save button, migration file will be created and opened in Visual Studio as an active file.
You should see the following structure in the Migration
Migration Project
|- /Year
|- /Month
|- Mig20160219141436_{Operation}{Db ObjectName}.cs
The migration file contents should look like the following.
using FluentMigrator;
namespace Database.Migrations._2021._09
public class Mig202109281448_UpdateTableTest : Migration
public override void Up()
public override void Down()
Fill in the migration appropriately.