Projectile control and movement scripts for unity powered games. Currently only transform based movement is supported. Uses DOTS for snapping features.
Install Burst and Job from package manager. Copy the “ProjectileMovement” folder inside your unity project.
[SerializeField] ProjectileControl control;
[SerializeField] Transform ballPrefab;
[SerializeField] float speed = 20f;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
control.StartPlayerInput((points) =>
var ball = Instantiate(ballPrefab) as Transform;
control.TravelAlongProjectilePath(ball, speed, points, isLooping : false, () =>
This will start the control script as well as show projectile in line renderer or in a custom way. At the release of control(when mouse button/touch is up), a prefab will move along the trajectory. Configure the “ProjectileControl” component in the inspector to your liking.
Check the ext.cs file for some handy extension methods as well.