From 0585b4e62f77f784fce6d5063c399416fe177ec2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: chessai
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2025 15:17:52 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] add a mempool insertCheck variant that doesn't short-circuit.
improve error messages in /send api
Change-Id: I435856410fb82c59f8170d32bf12e5cea69833d1
src/Chainweb/Mempool/InMem.hs | 109 +++++++++++++-----
src/Chainweb/Mempool/Mempool.hs | 12 +-
src/Chainweb/Mempool/RestAPI/Client.hs | 1 +
.../Pact/PactService/Pact4/ExecBlock.hs | 7 +-
.../Pact/PactService/Pact5/ExecBlock.hs | 12 +-
src/Chainweb/Pact/RestAPI/Server.hs | 32 ++---
.../Chainweb/Test/Pact4/RemotePactTest.hs | 18 +--
.../Chainweb/Test/Pact5/RemotePactTest.hs | 76 +++++++-----
8 files changed, 172 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Chainweb/Mempool/InMem.hs b/src/Chainweb/Mempool/InMem.hs
index 121d7a9813..2c86640c5b 100644
--- a/src/Chainweb/Mempool/InMem.hs
+++ b/src/Chainweb/Mempool/InMem.hs
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
@@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ module Chainweb.Mempool.InMem
) where
+import Data.List qualified as List
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
@@ -119,18 +123,19 @@ toMempoolBackend
toMempoolBackend logger mempool = do
return $! MempoolBackend
{ mempoolTxConfig = tcfg
- , mempoolMember = member
- , mempoolLookup = lookup
- , mempoolLookupEncoded = lookupEncoded
- , mempoolInsert = insert
- , mempoolInsertCheck = insertCheck
- , mempoolMarkValidated = markValidated
- , mempoolAddToBadList = addToBadList
- , mempoolCheckBadList = checkBadList
- , mempoolGetBlock = getBlock
- , mempoolPrune = prune
- , mempoolGetPendingTransactions = getPending
- , mempoolClear = clear
+ , mempoolMember = memberInMem lockMVar
+ , mempoolLookup = lookupInMem tcfg lockMVar
+ , mempoolLookupEncoded = lookupEncodedInMem lockMVar
+ , mempoolInsert = insertInMem logger cfg lockMVar
+ , mempoolInsertCheck = insertCheckInMem cfg lockMVar
+ , mempoolInsertCheckVerbose = insertCheckVerboseInMem cfg lockMVar
+ , mempoolMarkValidated = markValidatedInMem logger tcfg lockMVar
+ , mempoolAddToBadList = addToBadListInMem lockMVar
+ , mempoolCheckBadList = checkBadListInMem lockMVar
+ , mempoolGetBlock = getBlockInMem logger cfg lockMVar
+ , mempoolPrune = pruneInMem logger lockMVar
+ , mempoolGetPendingTransactions = getPendingInMem cfg nonce lockMVar
+ , mempoolClear = clearInMem lockMVar
cfg = _inmemCfg mempool
@@ -138,26 +143,6 @@ toMempoolBackend logger mempool = do
lockMVar = _inmemDataLock mempool
InMemConfig tcfg _ _ _ _ _ _ = cfg
- member = memberInMem lockMVar
- lookup = lookupInMem tcfg lockMVar
- lookupEncoded = lookupEncodedInMem lockMVar
- insert = insertInMem logger cfg lockMVar
- insertCheck = insertCheckInMem cfg lockMVar
- markValidated = markValidatedInMem logger tcfg lockMVar
- addToBadList = addToBadListInMem lockMVar
- checkBadList = checkBadListInMem lockMVar
- getBlock :: forall to.
- (NFData t)
- => BlockFill
- -> MempoolPreBlockCheck t to
- -> BlockHeight
- -> BlockHash
- -> IO (Vector to)
- getBlock = getBlockInMem logger cfg lockMVar
- getPending = getPendingInMem cfg nonce lockMVar
- prune = pruneInMem logger lockMVar
- clear = clearInMem lockMVar
-- | A 'bracket' function for in-memory mempools.
@@ -348,6 +333,66 @@ insertCheckInMem cfg lock txs
hasher :: t -> TransactionHash
hasher = txHasher (_inmemTxCfg cfg)
+-- | This function is used when a transaction(s) is inserted into the mempool via
+-- the service API. It is NOT used when a new block is created.
+-- For the latter, more strict validation methods are used. In particular, TTL validation
+-- uses the current time as reference in the former case (mempool insertion)
+-- and the creation time of the parent header in the latter case (new block creation).
+ :: forall t
+ . NFData t
+ => InMemConfig t -- ^ in-memory config
+ -> MVar (InMemoryMempoolData t) -- ^ in-memory state
+ -> Vector t -- ^ new transactions
+ -> IO (Vector (T2 TransactionHash (Either InsertError t)))
+insertCheckVerboseInMem cfg lock txs
+ | V.null txs = return V.empty
+ | otherwise = do
+ now <- getCurrentTimeIntegral
+ badmap <- withMVarMasked lock $ readIORef . _inmemBadMap
+ curTxIdx <- withMVarMasked lock $ readIORef . _inmemCurrentTxs
+ let withHashesAndPositions :: (HashMap TransactionHash (Int, InsertError), HashMap TransactionHash (Int, t))
+ withHashesAndPositions =
+ over _1 (HashMap.fromList . V.toList)
+ $ over _2 (HashMap.fromList . V.toList)
+ $ V.partitionWith (\(i, h, e) -> bimap (\err -> (h, (i, err))) (\err -> (h, (i, err))) e)
+ $ flip V.imap txs $ \i tx ->
+ let !h = hasher tx
+ in (i, h,) $! validateOne cfg badmap curTxIdx now tx h
+ let (prevFailures, prevSuccesses) = withHashesAndPositions
+ preInsertBatchChecks <- _inmemPreInsertBatchChecks cfg (V.fromList $ (\(h, (_, t)) -> T2 h t) $ HashMap.toList prevSuccesses)
+ let update (failures, successes) result = case result of
+ Left (T2 txHash insertError) ->
+ case HashMap.lookup txHash successes of
+ Just (i, _) ->
+ -- add to failures and remove from successes
+ ( HashMap.insert txHash (i, insertError) failures
+ , HashMap.delete txHash successes
+ )
+ Nothing -> error "insertCheckInMem: impossible"
+ -- nothing to do; the successes already contains this value.
+ Right _ -> (failures, successes)
+ let (failures, successes) = V.foldl' update (prevFailures, prevSuccesses) preInsertBatchChecks
+ let allEntries =
+ [ (i, T2 txHash (Left insertError))
+ | (txHash, (i, insertError)) <- HashMap.toList failures
+ ] ++
+ [ (i, T2 txHash (Right val))
+ | (txHash, (i, val)) <- HashMap.toList successes
+ ]
+ let sortedEntries = V.fromList $ snd $ List.sortBy (compare `on` fst) allEntries
+ return sortedEntries
+ where
+ hasher :: t -> TransactionHash
+ hasher = txHasher (_inmemTxCfg cfg)
-- | Validation: Confirm the validity of some single transaction @t@.
-- This function is only used during insert checks. TTL validation is done in
diff --git a/src/Chainweb/Mempool/Mempool.hs b/src/Chainweb/Mempool/Mempool.hs
index 876592281e..7ea32837eb 100644
--- a/src/Chainweb/Mempool/Mempool.hs
+++ b/src/Chainweb/Mempool/Mempool.hs
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ module Chainweb.Mempool.Mempool
, pact5RequestKeyToTransactionHash
) where
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ data InsertError
| InsertErrorCompilationFailed Text
| InsertErrorOther Text
| InsertErrorInvalidHash
- | InsertErrorInvalidSigs
+ | InsertErrorInvalidSigs Text
| InsertErrorTimedOut
| InsertErrorPactParseError Text
| InsertErrorWrongChain Text Text
@@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ instance Show InsertError where
InsertErrorCompilationFailed msg -> "Transaction compilation failed: " <> T.unpack msg
InsertErrorOther m -> "insert error: " <> T.unpack m
InsertErrorInvalidHash -> "Invalid transaction hash"
- InsertErrorInvalidSigs -> "Invalid transaction sigs"
+ InsertErrorInvalidSigs msg -> "Invalid transaction sigs: " <> T.unpack msg
InsertErrorTimedOut -> "Transaction validation timed out"
InsertErrorPactParseError msg -> "Pact parse error: " <> T.unpack msg
InsertErrorWrongChain expected actual -> "Wrong chain, expected: " <> T.unpack expected <> ", actual: " <> T.unpack actual
@@ -295,9 +296,12 @@ data MempoolBackend t = MempoolBackend {
-> IO ()
-- | Perform the pre-insert check for the given transactions. Short-circuits
- -- on the first Transaction that fails.
+ -- on the first Transaction that fails.
, mempoolInsertCheck :: Vector t -> IO (Either (T2 TransactionHash InsertError) ())
+ -- | Perform the pre-insert check for the given transactions. Does not short circuit.
+ , mempoolInsertCheckVerbose :: Vector t -> IO (Vector (T2 TransactionHash (Either InsertError t)))
-- | Remove the given hashes from the pending set.
, mempoolMarkValidated :: Vector t -> IO ()
@@ -342,6 +346,7 @@ noopMempool = do
, mempoolLookupEncoded = noopLookupEncoded
, mempoolInsert = noopInsert
, mempoolInsertCheck = noopInsertCheck
+ , mempoolInsertCheckVerbose = noopInsertCheckVerbose
, mempoolMarkValidated = noopMV
, mempoolAddToBadList = noopAddToBadList
, mempoolCheckBadList = noopCheckBadList
@@ -364,6 +369,7 @@ noopMempool = do
noopLookupEncoded v = return $ V.replicate (V.length v) Missing
noopInsert = const $ const $ return ()
noopInsertCheck _ = fail "unsupported"
+ noopInsertCheckVerbose _ = fail "unsupported"
noopMV = const $ return ()
noopAddToBadList = const $ return ()
noopCheckBadList v = return $ V.replicate (V.length v) False
diff --git a/src/Chainweb/Mempool/RestAPI/Client.hs b/src/Chainweb/Mempool/RestAPI/Client.hs
index ad15d40776..0d9db652d6 100644
--- a/src/Chainweb/Mempool/RestAPI/Client.hs
+++ b/src/Chainweb/Mempool/RestAPI/Client.hs
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ toMempool version chain txcfg env =
, mempoolLookupEncoded = const unsupported
, mempoolInsert = insert
, mempoolInsertCheck = const unsupported
+ , mempoolInsertCheckVerbose = const unsupported
, mempoolMarkValidated = const unsupported
, mempoolAddToBadList = const unsupported
, mempoolCheckBadList = const unsupported
diff --git a/src/Chainweb/Pact/PactService/Pact4/ExecBlock.hs b/src/Chainweb/Pact/PactService/Pact4/ExecBlock.hs
index 9d5dfafaf0..a72a597e5b 100644
--- a/src/Chainweb/Pact/PactService/Pact4/ExecBlock.hs
+++ b/src/Chainweb/Pact/PactService/Pact4/ExecBlock.hs
@@ -327,8 +327,11 @@ checkTxSigs
-> f ()
checkTxSigs logger v cid bh t = do
liftIO $ logFunctionText logger Debug $ "Pact4.checkTxSigs: " <> sshow (Pact4._cmdHash t)
- if | isRight (Pact4.assertValidateSigs validSchemes webAuthnPrefixLegal hsh signers sigs) -> pure ()
- | otherwise -> throwError InsertErrorInvalidSigs
+ case Pact4.assertValidateSigs validSchemes webAuthnPrefixLegal hsh signers sigs of
+ Right _ -> do
+ pure ()
+ Left err -> do
+ throwError $ InsertErrorInvalidSigs (displayAssertValidateSigsError err)
hsh = Pact4._cmdHash t
sigs = Pact4._cmdSigs t
diff --git a/src/Chainweb/Pact/PactService/Pact5/ExecBlock.hs b/src/Chainweb/Pact/PactService/Pact5/ExecBlock.hs
index 5ecc977f39..6ad3fe5d14 100644
--- a/src/Chainweb/Pact/PactService/Pact5/ExecBlock.hs
+++ b/src/Chainweb/Pact/PactService/Pact5/ExecBlock.hs
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Decimal
-import Data.Either (partitionEithers, isRight)
+import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text qualified as T
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ import qualified Chainweb.Pact5.Backend.ChainwebPactDb as Pact5
import qualified Chainweb.Pact4.Transaction as Pact4
import qualified Chainweb.Pact5.Transaction as Pact5
import qualified Chainweb.Pact5.Validations as Pact5
+import Pact.Core.Pretty qualified as Pact5
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as SB
import qualified Pact.Core.Hash as Pact5
import System.LogLevel
@@ -527,8 +528,11 @@ validateParsedChainwebTx _logger v cid db _blockHandle txValidationTime bh isGen
checkTxSigs :: Pact5.Transaction -> ExceptT InsertError IO ()
checkTxSigs t = do
- if | isRight (Pact5.assertValidateSigs hsh signers sigs) -> pure ()
- | otherwise -> throwError InsertErrorInvalidSigs
+ case Pact5.assertValidateSigs hsh signers sigs of
+ Right _ -> do
+ pure ()
+ Left err -> do
+ throwError $ InsertErrorInvalidSigs (displayAssertValidateSigsError err)
hsh = Pact5._cmdHash t
sigs = Pact5._cmdSigs t
@@ -558,7 +562,7 @@ validateRawChainwebTx
-> Pact4.UnparsedTransaction
-> ExceptT InsertError IO Pact5.Transaction
validateRawChainwebTx logger v cid db blockHandle parentTime bh isGenesis tx = do
- tx' <- either (throwError . InsertErrorPactParseError . sshow) return $ Pact5.parsePact4Command tx
+ tx' <- either (throwError . InsertErrorPactParseError . Pact5.renderText) return $ Pact5.parsePact4Command tx
liftIO $ do
logDebug_ logger $ "validateRawChainwebTx: parse succeeded"
validateParsedChainwebTx logger v cid db blockHandle parentTime bh isGenesis tx'
diff --git a/src/Chainweb/Pact/RestAPI/Server.hs b/src/Chainweb/Pact/RestAPI/Server.hs
index 2e1ffb0eb1..28ab69c49a 100644
--- a/src/Chainweb/Pact/RestAPI/Server.hs
+++ b/src/Chainweb/Pact/RestAPI/Server.hs
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT, except)
import Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as SB
@@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ import Chainweb.Pact.RestAPI.EthSpv
import Chainweb.Pact.RestAPI.SPV
import Chainweb.Pact.Types
import Chainweb.Pact4.SPV qualified as Pact4
+import Pact.Types.ChainMeta qualified as Pact4
import Chainweb.Payload
import Chainweb.Payload.PayloadStore
import Chainweb.RestAPI.Orphans ()
@@ -260,11 +262,13 @@ sendHandler
-> Handler Pact4.RequestKeys
sendHandler logger mempool (Pact4.SubmitBatch cmds) = Handler $ do
liftIO $ logg Info (PactCmdLogSend cmds)
- case (traverse . traverse) (\t -> (encodeUtf8 t,) <$> eitherDecodeStrictText t) cmds of
+ let cmdPayloads :: Either String (NonEmpty (Pact4.Command (ByteString, Pact4.Payload Pact4.PublicMeta Text)))
+ cmdPayloads = traverse (traverse (\t -> (encodeUtf8 t,) <$> eitherDecodeStrictText t)) cmds
+ case cmdPayloads of
Right (fmap Pact4.mkPayloadWithText -> cmdsWithParsedPayloads) -> do
let cmdsWithParsedPayloadsV = V.fromList $ NEL.toList cmdsWithParsedPayloads
-- If any of the txs in the batch fail validation, we reject them all.
- liftIO (mempoolInsertCheck mempool cmdsWithParsedPayloadsV) >>= checkResult
+ liftIO (mempoolInsertCheckVerbose mempool cmdsWithParsedPayloadsV) >>= checkResult
liftIO (mempoolInsert mempool UncheckedInsert cmdsWithParsedPayloadsV)
return $! Pact4.RequestKeys $ Pact4.cmdToRequestKey cmdsWithParsedPayloads
Left err -> failWith $ "reading JSON for transaction failed: " <> T.pack err
@@ -276,17 +280,19 @@ sendHandler logger mempool (Pact4.SubmitBatch cmds) = Handler $ do
logg = logFunctionJson (setComponent "send-handler" logger)
- toPactHash :: TransactionHash -> Pact4.TypedHash h
- toPactHash (TransactionHash h) = Pact4.TypedHash h
- checkResult :: Either (T2 TransactionHash InsertError) () -> ExceptT ServerError IO ()
- checkResult (Right _) = pure ()
- checkResult (Left (T2 hash insErr)) = failWith $ fold
- [ "Validation failed for hash "
- , sshow $ toPactHash hash
- , ": "
- , sshow insErr
- ]
+ checkResult :: Vector (T2 TransactionHash (Either InsertError Pact4.UnparsedTransaction)) -> ExceptT ServerError IO ()
+ checkResult vec
+ | V.null vec = return ()
+ | otherwise = do
+ let errors = flip mapMaybe ( [0..] (V.toList vec)) $ \(i, T2 txHash e) -> case e of
+ Left err -> Just $ "Transaction " <> sshow txHash <> " at index " <> sshow @Word i <> " failed with: " <> sshow err
+ Right _ -> Nothing
+ if null errors
+ then do
+ return ()
+ else do
+ let err = "One or more transactions were invalid: " <> T.intercalate ", " errors
+ failWith err
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Poll Handler
diff --git a/test/unit/Chainweb/Test/Pact4/RemotePactTest.hs b/test/unit/Chainweb/Test/Pact4/RemotePactTest.hs
index 21d7cdc57d..587768a6cf 100644
--- a/test/unit/Chainweb/Test/Pact4/RemotePactTest.hs
+++ b/test/unit/Chainweb/Test/Pact4/RemotePactTest.hs
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ invalidCommandTest rdb = runResourceT $ do
net <- withNodesAtLatestBehavior v id nodeDbDirs
let cenv = _getServiceClientEnv net
- let sendExpect :: [Command Text] -> (Text -> Bool) -> ResourceT IO ()
+ let sendExpect :: (HasCallStack) => [Command Text] -> (Text -> Bool) -> ResourceT IO ()
sendExpect txs p = do
e <- liftIO $ flip runClientM cenv $
pactSendApiClient v cid $ SubmitBatch $ NEL.fromList txs
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ invalidCommandTest rdb = runResourceT $ do
iot <- liftIO $ toTxCreationTime @Integer <$> getCurrentTimeIntegral
- let prefix cmd = "Validation failed for hash " <> sshow (_cmdHash cmd) <> ": "
+ let prefix i cmd = "One or more transactions were invalid: Transaction " <> sshow (_cmdHash cmd) <> " at index " <> sshow @Int i <> " failed with: "
cmdParseFailure <- liftIO $ buildTextCmd "bare-command" v
$ set cbSigners [mkEd25519Signer' sender00 []]
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ invalidCommandTest rdb = runResourceT $ do
$ set cbRPC (mkExec "(+ 1" (mkKeySetData "sender00" [sender00]))
$ defaultCmd
-- Why does pact just return 'mzero' here...
- sendExpect [cmdParseFailure] (== (prefix cmdParseFailure <> "Pact parse error: Failed reading: mzero"))
+ sendExpect [cmdParseFailure] (== (prefix 0 cmdParseFailure <> "Pact parse error: Failed reading: mzero"))
cmdInvalidPayloadHash <- liftIO $ do
bareCmd <- buildTextCmd "bare-command" v
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ invalidCommandTest rdb = runResourceT $ do
pure $ bareCmd
{ _cmdHash = Pact.hash "fakehash"
- sendExpect [cmdInvalidPayloadHash] (== (prefix cmdInvalidPayloadHash <> "Invalid transaction hash"))
+ sendExpect [cmdInvalidPayloadHash] (== (prefix 0 cmdInvalidPayloadHash <> "Invalid transaction hash"))
cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch1 <- liftIO $ do
bareCmd <- buildTextCmd "bare-command" v
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ invalidCommandTest rdb = runResourceT $ do
pure $ bareCmd
{ _cmdSigs = []
- sendExpect [cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch1] (== (prefix cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch1 <> "Invalid transaction sigs"))
+ sendExpect [cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch1] (== (prefix 0 cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch1 <> "Invalid transaction sigs: The number of signers and signatures do not match. Number of signers: 1. Number of signatures: 0."))
cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch2 <- liftIO $ do
bareCmd <- buildTextCmd "bare-command" v
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ invalidCommandTest rdb = runResourceT $ do
{ -- This is an invalid ED25519 signature, but length signers == length signatures is checked first
_cmdSigs = [ED25519Sig "fakeSig"]
- sendExpect [cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch2] (== (prefix cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch2 <> "Invalid transaction sigs"))
+ sendExpect [cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch2] (== (prefix 0 cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch2 <> "Invalid transaction sigs: The number of signers and signatures do not match. Number of signers: 0. Number of signatures: 1."))
-- TODO: It's hard to test for invalid schemes, because it's baked into
-- chainwebversion.
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ invalidCommandTest rdb = runResourceT $ do
pure $ bareCmd
{ _cmdSigs = [ED25519Sig "fakeSig"]
- sendExpect [cmdInvalidUserSig] (== (prefix cmdInvalidUserSig <> "Invalid transaction sigs"))
+ sendExpect [cmdInvalidUserSig] (== (prefix 0 cmdInvalidUserSig <> "Invalid transaction sigs: The signature at position 0 is invalid: failed to parse ed25519 signature: invalid bytestring size."))
cmdGood <- liftIO $ buildTextCmd "good-command" v
$ set cbSigners [mkEd25519Signer' sender00 []]
@@ -307,12 +307,12 @@ invalidCommandTest rdb = runResourceT $ do
$ defaultCmd
-- Test that [badCmd, goodCmd] fails on badCmd, and the batch is rejected.
-- We just re-use a previously built bad cmd.
- sendExpect [cmdInvalidUserSig, cmdGood] (== (prefix cmdInvalidUserSig <> "Invalid transaction sigs"))
+ sendExpect [cmdInvalidUserSig, cmdGood] (== (prefix 0 cmdInvalidUserSig <> "Invalid transaction sigs: The signature at position 0 is invalid: failed to parse ed25519 signature: invalid bytestring size."))
-- Test that [goodCmd, badCmd] fails on badCmd, and the batch is rejected.
-- Order matters, and the error message also indicates the position of the
-- failing tx.
-- We just re-use a previously built bad cmd.
- sendExpect [cmdGood, cmdInvalidUserSig] (== (prefix cmdInvalidUserSig <> "Invalid transaction sigs"))
+ sendExpect [cmdGood, cmdInvalidUserSig] (== (prefix 1 cmdInvalidUserSig <> "Invalid transaction sigs: The signature at position 0 is invalid: failed to parse ed25519 signature: invalid bytestring size."))
-- | Check that txlogs don't problematically access history
-- post-compaction.
diff --git a/test/unit/Chainweb/Test/Pact5/RemotePactTest.hs b/test/unit/Chainweb/Test/Pact5/RemotePactTest.hs
index e9ab176325..c1243e83b7 100644
--- a/test/unit/Chainweb/Test/Pact5/RemotePactTest.hs
+++ b/test/unit/Chainweb/Test/Pact5/RemotePactTest.hs
@@ -4,32 +4,32 @@
, DeriveAnyClass
, DerivingStrategies
, FlexibleContexts
+ , FlexibleInstances
, ImplicitParams
- , ImpredicativeTypes
, ImportQualifiedPost
+ , ImpredicativeTypes
, LambdaCase
+ , MultiParamTypeClasses
+ , NamedFieldPuns
, NumericUnderscores
, OverloadedStrings
- , PatternSynonyms
, PackageImports
+ , PartialTypeSignatures
+ , PatternSynonyms
+ , RecordWildCards
, ScopedTypeVariables
- , TypeApplications
, TemplateHaskell
- , RecordWildCards
, TupleSections
+ , TypeApplications
+ , UndecidableInstances
+ , ViewPatterns
{-# options_ghc -fno-warn-gadt-mono-local-binds #-}
-- temporary
{-# options_ghc -Wwarn -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-unused-top-binds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-partial-type-signatures #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Chainweb.Test.Pact5.RemotePactTest
( tests
@@ -225,13 +225,13 @@ pollingConfirmationDepthTest baseRdb _step = runResourceT $ do
cmd2 <- buildTextCmd v (trivialTx cid 43)
let rks = [cmdToRequestKey cmd1, cmdToRequestKey cmd2]
- let expectSuccessful :: (HasCallStack, _) => P.Prop [Maybe TestPact5CommandResult]
+ let expectSuccessful :: (HasCallStack) => P.Prop [Maybe TestPact5CommandResult]
expectSuccessful = P.alignExact
[ P.match _Just ? _crResult ? P.equals (PactResultOk (PInteger 42))
, P.match _Just ? _crResult ? P.equals (PactResultOk (PInteger 43))
- let expectEmpty :: (HasCallStack, _) => _
+ let expectEmpty :: (HasCallStack, Foldable t, Eq a) => t (Maybe a) -> IO ()
expectEmpty = traverse_ (P.equals Nothing)
send fx v cid [cmd1, cmd2]
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ sendInvalidTxsTest rdb = withResourceT (mkFixture v rdb) $ \fx ->
$ set cbRPC (mkExec' "(+ 1")
$ defaultCmd cid
send fx v cid [cmdParseFailure]
- & fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? responseBody ? textContains "Pact parse error"
+ & fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? responseBody ? textContains "Pact parse error: Expected: [')']"
, testCase "invalid hash" $ do
cmdInvalidPayloadHash <- do
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ sendInvalidTxsTest rdb = withResourceT (mkFixture v rdb) $ \fx ->
send fx v cid [cmdInvalidPayloadHash]
& fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? responseBody ? textContains
- (validationFailed cmdInvalidPayloadHash "Invalid transaction hash")
+ (validationFailed 0 cmdInvalidPayloadHash "Invalid transaction hash")
, testCase "signature length mismatch" $ do
cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch1 <- do
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ sendInvalidTxsTest rdb = withResourceT (mkFixture v rdb) $ \fx ->
send fx v cid [cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch1]
& fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? responseBody ? textContains
- (validationFailed cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch1 "Invalid transaction sigs")
+ (validationFailed 0 cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch1 "Invalid transaction sigs: The number of signers and signatures do not match. Number of signers: 1. Number of signatures: 0.")
cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch2 <- do
bareCmd <- buildTextCmd v
@@ -392,13 +392,13 @@ sendInvalidTxsTest rdb = withResourceT (mkFixture v rdb) $ \fx ->
send fx v cid [cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch2]
& fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? responseBody ? textContains
- (validationFailed cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch2 "Invalid transaction sigs")
+ (validationFailed 0 cmdSignersSigsLengthMismatch2 "Invalid transaction sigs: The number of signers and signatures do not match. Number of signers: 0. Number of signatures: 1.")
, testCase "invalid signatures" $ do
cmdInvalidUserSig <- mkCmdInvalidUserSig
send fx v cid [cmdInvalidUserSig]
& fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? responseBody ? textContains
- (validationFailed cmdInvalidUserSig "Invalid transaction sigs")
+ (validationFailed 0 cmdInvalidUserSig "Invalid transaction sigs: The signature at position 0 is invalid: failed to parse ed25519 signature: invalid bytestring size.")
, testCase "batches are rejected with any invalid txs" $ do
cmdGood <- mkCmdGood
@@ -407,20 +407,32 @@ sendInvalidTxsTest rdb = withResourceT (mkFixture v rdb) $ \fx ->
-- We just re-use a previously built bad cmd.
send fx v cid [cmdInvalidUserSig, cmdGood]
& fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? responseBody ? textContains
- (validationFailed cmdInvalidUserSig "Invalid transaction sigs")
+ (validationFailed 0 cmdInvalidUserSig "Invalid transaction sigs: The signature at position 0 is invalid: failed to parse ed25519 signature: invalid bytestring size.")
-- Test that [goodCmd, badCmd] fails on badCmd, and the batch is rejected.
-- Order matters, and the error message also indicates the position of the
-- failing tx.
-- We just re-use a previously built bad cmd.
send fx v cid [cmdGood, cmdInvalidUserSig]
& fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? responseBody ? textContains
- (validationFailed cmdInvalidUserSig "Invalid transaction sigs")
+ (validationFailed 1 cmdInvalidUserSig "Invalid transaction sigs: The signature at position 0 is invalid: failed to parse ed25519 signature: invalid bytestring size.")
+ , testCase "multiple bad txs in batch" $ do
+ cmdGood <- mkCmdGood
+ cmdInvalidUserSig <- mkCmdInvalidUserSig
+ cmdParseFailure <- buildTextCmd v
+ $ set cbRPC (mkExec' "(+ 1")
+ $ defaultCmd cid
+ send fx v cid [cmdInvalidUserSig, cmdGood, cmdParseFailure]
+ & fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? responseBody ? P.checkAll
+ [ textContains (validationFailed 0 cmdInvalidUserSig "Invalid transaction sigs: The signature at position 0 is invalid: failed to parse ed25519 signature: invalid bytestring size.")
+ , textContains (validationFailed 2 cmdParseFailure "Pact parse error: Expected: [')']")
+ ]
, testCase "invalid metadata" $ do
cmdGood <- mkCmdGood
send fx v wrongChain [cmdGood]
& fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? responseBody ? textContains
- (validationFailed cmdGood "Transaction metadata (chain id, chainweb version) conflicts with this endpoint")
+ (validationFailed 0 cmdGood "Transaction metadata (chain id, chainweb version) conflicts with this endpoint")
send fx wrongV cid [cmdGood]
& fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? P.checkAll
@@ -432,21 +444,21 @@ sendInvalidTxsTest rdb = withResourceT (mkFixture v rdb) $ \fx ->
cmdInvalidChain <- buildTextCmd v (defaultCmd cid & set cbChainId invalidCid)
send fx v wrongChain [cmdInvalidChain]
& fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? responseBody ? textContains
- (validationFailed cmdInvalidChain "insert error: Unparsable ChainId")
+ (validationFailed 0 cmdInvalidChain "insert error: Unparsable ChainId")
cmdWrongV <- buildTextCmd wrongV
$ set cbRPC (mkExec "(+ 1 2)" (mkKeySetData "sender00" [sender00]))
$ defaultCmd cid
send fx v cid [cmdWrongV]
& fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? responseBody ? textContains
- (validationFailed cmdWrongV "Transaction metadata (chain id, chainweb version) conflicts with this endpoint")
+ (validationFailed 0 cmdWrongV "Transaction metadata (chain id, chainweb version) conflicts with this endpoint")
cmdExpiredTTL <- buildTextCmd v (defaultCmd cid & cbCreationTime .~ Just (TxCreationTime 0))
send fx v cid [cmdExpiredTTL]
& fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? P.checkAll
[ responseStatusCode ? P.equals badRequest400
, responseBody ? textContains
- (validationFailed cmdExpiredTTL "Transaction time-to-live is expired")
+ (validationFailed 0 cmdExpiredTTL "Transaction time-to-live is expired")
, testCase "cannot buy gas" $ do
@@ -457,7 +469,7 @@ sendInvalidTxsTest rdb = withResourceT (mkFixture v rdb) $ \fx ->
& fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? P.checkAll
[ responseStatusCode ? P.equals badRequest400
, responseBody ? textContains
- (validationFailed cmdExcessiveGasLimit "Transaction gas limit exceeds block gas limit")
+ (validationFailed 0 cmdExcessiveGasLimit "Transaction gas limit exceeds block gas limit")
cmdGasPriceTooPrecise <- buildTextCmd v
@@ -467,7 +479,7 @@ sendInvalidTxsTest rdb = withResourceT (mkFixture v rdb) $ \fx ->
& fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? P.checkAll
[ responseStatusCode ? P.equals badRequest400
, responseBody ? textContains
- (validationFailed cmdGasPriceTooPrecise "insert error: This transaction's gas price: 0.00000000000000001 is not correctly rounded. It should be rounded to at most 12 decimal places.")
+ (validationFailed 0 cmdGasPriceTooPrecise "insert error: This transaction's gas price: 0.00000000000000001 is not correctly rounded. It should be rounded to at most 12 decimal places.")
cmdNotEnoughGasFunds <- buildTextCmd v
@@ -478,7 +490,7 @@ sendInvalidTxsTest rdb = withResourceT (mkFixture v rdb) $ \fx ->
& fails ? P.match _FailureResponse ? P.checkAll
[ responseStatusCode ? P.equals badRequest400
, responseBody ? textContains
- (validationFailed cmdNotEnoughGasFunds "Attempt to buy gas failed with: BuyGasPactError (PEUserRecoverableError (UserEnforceError \"Insufficient funds\")")
+ (validationFailed 0 cmdNotEnoughGasFunds "Attempt to buy gas failed with: BuyGasPactError (PEUserRecoverableError (UserEnforceError \"Insufficient funds\")")
cmdInvalidSender <- buildTextCmd v
@@ -490,7 +502,7 @@ sendInvalidTxsTest rdb = withResourceT (mkFixture v rdb) $ \fx ->
, responseBody ? textContains
-- TODO: the full error is far more verbose than this,
-- perhaps that's something we should fix.
- (validationFailed cmdInvalidSender "Attempt to buy gas failed")
+ (validationFailed 0 cmdInvalidSender "Attempt to buy gas failed")
@@ -509,7 +521,7 @@ sendInvalidTxsTest rdb = withResourceT (mkFixture v rdb) $ \fx ->
cid = unsafeChainId 0
wrongChain = unsafeChainId 1
- validationFailed cmd msg = "Validation failed for hash " <> sshow (_cmdHash cmd) <> ": " <> msg
+ validationFailed i cmd msg = "Transaction " <> sshow (_cmdHash cmd) <> " at index " <> sshow @Int i <> " failed with: " <> msg
mkCmdInvalidUserSig = mkCmdGood <&> set cmdSigs [ED25519Sig "fakeSig"]
@@ -667,7 +679,7 @@ successfulTx :: P.Prop (CommandResult log err)
successfulTx = _crResult ? P.match _PactResultOk P.succeed
-- TODO: backport into Pact 5
-_PEPact5Error :: Prism' (PactErrorCompat c) (ErrorCode, BoundedText _, c)
+_PEPact5Error :: Prism' (PactErrorCompat c) (ErrorCode, BoundedText 256, c)
_PEPact5Error = prism' (PEPact5Error . uncurry3 PactErrorCode) $ \case
PEPact5Error (PactErrorCode {_peCode, _peMsg, _peInfo}) ->
Just (_peCode, _peMsg, _peInfo)
@@ -842,12 +854,12 @@ localTests baseRdb = let
. at "balance" . _Just
. _PDecimal
- hasBalance :: (HasCallStack, _) => _
+ hasBalance :: (HasCallStack) => _
hasBalance p = _crResult
? P.match _PactResultOk
? P.match (_PObject . at "balance" . _Just)
? P.match _PDecimal p
- hasBlockHeight :: (HasCallStack, _) => _
+ hasBlockHeight :: (HasCallStack) => _
hasBlockHeight p = _crMetaData
? P.match (_Just . A._Object . at "blockHeight" . _Just . A._Number) p
@@ -1057,7 +1069,7 @@ fails p actual = try actual >>= \case
Left e -> p e
_ -> "a failed computation" actual
-textContains :: HasCallStack => _
+textContains :: HasCallStack => Text -> P.Prop Text
textContains expectedStr actualStr
| expectedStr `T.isInfixOf` actualStr = P.succeed actualStr
| otherwise =