using this scripts, you can block traffic by region via iptables. e.g. you want to stop the ssh-attacks from china ?
how it works:
- in conf/ there are files 'country_block.xx.conf' -- the 'xx' is the port-number ( eg. 22 for ssh, 80 for web, .. )
- in the file, there is the 2-digit country-code.. CN=china, US=usa, ...
- so you can block on each port different countries. -- this is on iptables level with DROP. -- it will also kick-out search-engines (maybe you want ?)
- real hackers will not work "from home" but from some other IPs
- you/your server is in france.
- you see many attacks from UA, CN, JP, KR on ssh.
- there will be no real connects from these countries ( vacation, anyone ?) -- block them.
there are other ways, like
- fail2ban. find a list of similar stuff here:
real example:
- on startup, call '' -- it will load the list, set the ip-table rule. -- add to the rc.local ?
- if you want to refresh the list, run '' -- this refreshes the list via web. IP-lists via -- you want to do this maybe once a week (and is done at startup)
project inspired by