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Project Status: Active — The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. MIT License

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txtble is yet another Python library for creating plain-text tables. (All the good names were taken, OK?) Pass in a list of lists of strings (or other stringable things) and get out something nice like:

|Month    |Birthstone|Birth Flower      |
|January  |Garnet    |Carnation         |
|February |Amethyst  |Violet            |
|March    |Aquamarine|Jonquil           |
|April    |Diamond   |Sweetpea          |
|May      |Emerald   |Lily Of The Valley|
|June     |Pearl     |Rose              |
|July     |Ruby      |Larkspur          |
|August   |Peridot   |Gladiolus         |
|September|Sapphire  |Aster             |
|October  |Opal      |Calendula         |
|November |Topaz     |Chrysanthemum     |
|December |Turquoise |Narcissus         |


  • ANSI color aware
  • Unicode fullwidth & combining character aware
  • Customize characters used for drawing borders
  • Left-align, center, and right-align individual columns
  • Toggle inter-row, inter-column, and outer borders
  • Set the value used to fill out ragged rows
  • Pad cells on the left & right
  • Wrapping text to fixed widths

Just use pip (You have pip, right?) to install txtble and its dependencies:

pip install txtble

Construct & show a basic table:

>>> from txtble import Txtble
>>> # Taken from /usr/share/misc/birthtoken.gz in Ubuntu Xenial's miscfiles package:
>>> HEADERS = ['Month', 'Birthstone', 'Birth Flower']
>>> DATA = [
...     ['January',   'Garnet',     'Carnation'],
...     ['February',  'Amethyst',   'Violet'],
...     ['March',     'Aquamarine', 'Jonquil'],
...     ['April',     'Diamond',    'Sweetpea'],
...     ['May',       'Emerald',    'Lily Of The Valley'],
...     ['June',      'Pearl',      'Rose'],
...     ['July',      'Ruby',       'Larkspur'],
...     ['August',    'Peridot',    'Gladiolus'],
...     ['September', 'Sapphire',   'Aster'],
...     ['October',   'Opal',       'Calendula'],
...     ['November',  'Topaz',      'Chrysanthemum'],
...     ['December',  'Turquoise',  'Narcissus'],
... ]
>>> tbl = Txtble(DATA, headers=HEADERS)
>>> print(tbl)
|Month    |Birthstone|Birth Flower      |
|January  |Garnet    |Carnation         |
|February |Amethyst  |Violet            |
|March    |Aquamarine|Jonquil           |
|April    |Diamond   |Sweetpea          |
|May      |Emerald   |Lily Of The Valley|
|June     |Pearl     |Rose              |
|July     |Ruby      |Larkspur          |
|August   |Peridot   |Gladiolus         |
|September|Sapphire  |Aster             |
|October  |Opal      |Calendula         |
|November |Topaz     |Chrysanthemum     |
|December |Turquoise |Narcissus         |

The table can also be constructed like this:

>>> tbl = Txtble(headers=HEADERS)
>>> tbl.extend(DATA)

Or like this:

>>> tbl = Txtble(headers=HEADERS)
>>> for row in DATA:
...     tbl.append(row)

Or even like this:

>>> tbl = Txtble(DATA)
>>> tbl.headers = HEADERS

The number of columns is automatically set to the length of the longest row:

>>> tbl = Txtble([
...     ['1', '1'],
...     ['Z_6', '1', 'x', 'x^2', 'x^3', 'x^4', 'x^5'],
...     ['S_3', '1', 'a', 'b', 'aba', 'ba', 'ab'],
...     ['Z_4', '1', 'x', 'x^2', 'x^3'],
...     ['V_4', '1', 'a', 'b', 'ab'],
... ])
>>> print(tbl)
|1  |1| |   |   |   |   |
|S_3|1|a|b  |aba|ba |ab |
|Z_4|1|x|x^2|x^3|   |   |
|V_4|1|a|b  |ab |   |   |

... unless you've specified a header row, which puts a limit on the number of columns:

>>> tbl.headers = ['Group', 'Elements']
>>> print(tbl)
|1    |1       |
|Z_6  |1       |
|S_3  |1       |
|Z_4  |1       |
|V_4  |1       |

... unless you've also specified a header_fill to use as the the header for extra columns:

>>> tbl.header_fill = 'Extra!'
>>> print(tbl)
|1    |1       |      |      |      |      |      |
|Z_6  |1       |x     |x^2   |x^3   |x^4   |x^5   |
|S_3  |1       |a     |b     |aba   |ba    |ab    |
|Z_4  |1       |x     |x^2   |x^3   |      |      |
|V_4  |1       |a     |b     |ab    |      |      |

Unicode works too, even fullwidth characters and combining characters:

>>> tbl = Txtble(
...     headers=['Wide', 'Accented'],
...     data=[
...         [
...             u'\uFF37\uFF49\uFF44\uFF45',
...             u'A\u0301c\u0301c\u0301e\u0301n\u0301t\u0301e\u0301d\u0301',
...         ]
...     ]
... )
>>> print(
|Wide    |Accented|
Txtble(data=(), **kwargs)

Create a new Txtble object. The table's data may be passed to the constructor as an iterable of iterables (rows) of values; otherwise, the data starts out empty. In either case, further data rows can be added via the append() and extend() methods.

**kwargs are used to configure the Txtble instance; see "Configuration Options" below.

Add an iterable of values as a new data row at the bottom of the table
Add an iterable of iterables of values as new data rows at the bottom of the table or str(tbl)

Convert the Txtble instance to a string showing a plain text table. Table cells and filler values that are not already strings are converted by calling str() on them; the exceptions are None values, which are displayed according to the none_str option (see below). All tab characters are expanded to spaces before building the table. If any of the resulting strings have indeterminate width (i.e., if wcwidth.wcswidth() returns a negative number for any of them), an IndeterminateWidthError (a subclass of ValueError) is raised.

Note that the resulting string will likely contain one or more embedded newlines, but (outside of some very odd cases) it will not end with a newline. This means that you can do print(tbl) and there won't be a blank line added at the end.

In Python 2, unicode(tbl) is like str(tbl), except it produces a unicode value. This is necessary if one or more table cells are unicode.

These options can be set either as keywords passed to the Txtble constructor or as attributes on a Txtble instance:

tbl = Txtble(data, border=False)
# Same as:
tbl = Txtble(data)
tbl.border = False
A sequence of alignment specifiers indicating how the contents of each column, in order, should be horizontally aligned. The alignment specifiers are 'l' (left alignment), 'c' (centered alignment), and 'r' (right alignment). align may optionally be set to a single alignment specifier to cause all columns to be aligned in that way.
If there are more columns than there are entries in align, the extra columns will have their alignment set to align_fill.
Whether to draw a border around the edge of the table. border may optionally be set to a BorderStyle instance to set the characters used for drawing the border around the edge of the table.
Sets the default characters used for drawing all of the table's borders & rules. The border style can be overridden for individual borders by setting their respective options (border, column_border, etc.). See "BorderStyle" below for more information.
Whether to force a line break in the middle of a word if said word is too long for the column's width
Whether to break on hyphens in addition to whitespace when wrapping text
Whether to draw a vertical rule between individual columns. column_border may optionally be set to a BorderStyle instance to set the characters used for drawing the vertical rules between columns.
An optional positive integer. When set, show exactly the given number of columns per row, adding cells with row_fill and discarding extra cells as needed. If headers is also set, its length must equal columns or else a ValueError is raised. Setting both columns and headers causes header_fill to be ignored.
Whether to draw a horizontal rule above the data rows, below the header row (if any). The default value of None means that the border will be drawn if & only if headers is non-None. header_border may optionally be set to a BorderStyle instance to set the characters used for drawing the horizontal rule above the data rows.
When headers is non-None and columns is None, this option determines how rows with more columns than there are headers are handled. When header_fill=None, any extra columns are discarded from long rows. For all other values, the header row will be extended to the length of the longest data row, and the new header cells will contain the header_fill value.

An optional list of cell values to display in a row at the top of the table. Setting this option also implicitly sets a minimum number of columns per row; see header_fill for allowing extra columns.

If headers is set to an empty list, header_fill must be set to a non-None value or else a ValueError will be raised upon trying to render the Txtble.

Padding to insert on the left of every table cell. This can be either an integer (to insert that many space characters) or a string. If a string, it may not contain any newlines. left_padding overrides padding.
The function to use for calculating how many terminal cells wide a string is; it should take one string argument and return a width. Returning a negative width causes Txtble to raise an IndeterminateWidthError. The default value is with_color_stripped(wcwidth.wcswidth) (See "Other" below).
The string to display in place of None values (Setting none_str=None is the same as setting it to 'None')
Padding to insert on the left & right of every table cell. This can be either an integer (to insert that many space characters) or a string. If a string, it may not contain any newlines.
Padding to insert on the right of every table cell. This can be either an integer (to insert that many space characters) or a string. If a string, it may not contain any newlines. right_padding overrides padding.
Whether to draw horizontal rules between data rows. row_border may optionally be set to a BorderStyle instance to set the characters used for drawing the horizontal rules between data rows.
If the rows of a table differ in number of columns, cells are added to the shorter rows until they all line up, and the added cells contain row_fill as their value.
When border=False, setting rstrip=False will cause the last cell of each row to still be padded with trailing whitespace and padding in order to reach the full column width. (Normally, this whitespace and padding is omitted when border=False as there is no end-of-line border to align.) This option is useful if you wish to append text to one or more lines of the output and have it appear strictly outside the table.
If there are more columns than there are entries in widths, the extra columns will have their widths set to width_fill.
A sequence of integers specifying the width of each column, in order. Lines wider than the given width will be wrapped; the wrapping can be configured via the break_long_words and break_on_hyphens options. A width of None disables wrapping for that column and causes the column's width to be set to the width of the longest line. widths may optionally be set to a single width to cause all columns to be that wide.

The BorderStyle class is a namedtuple listing the strings to use for drawing a table's borders & rules. Its attributes are:

Attribute Description Example
hline horizontal line
vline vertical line
ulcorner upper-left box corner
urcorner upper-right box corner
llcorner lower-left box corner
lrcorner lower-right box corner
vrtee tee pointing right
vltee tee pointing left
dhtee tee pointing down
uhtee tee pointing up
plus cross/four-way joint

txtble provides the following predefined BorderStyle instances:


The default border style. Draws borders using only the ASCII characters -, |, and +:


Like ASCII_BORDERS, but uses = in place of -:


Uses the light box drawing characters:


Uses the heavy box drawing characters:


Uses the double box drawing characters:


Uses , , and ·:


If you define your own custom instances of BorderStyle, they must adhere to the following rules:

  • The hline string must be exactly one terminal column wide (the same width as a space character).
  • All strings other than hline must be the same width.
  • No string may contain a newline.
Subclass of ValueError. Raised when a string is reported as having negative/indeterminate width. (For the default len_func, this happens when the string contains a DEL or a C0 or C1 control character other than a tab, newline, or ANSI color escape sequence.) The string in question is available as the exception's string attribute.
Subclass of ValueError. Raised by with_color_stripped upon encountering an ANSI color escape sequence that is not eventually terminated by a reset/sgr0 sequence. The string in question is available as the exception's string attribute.
A function decorator for applying to len or imitators thereof that strips ANSI color sequences from a single string argument before passing it on. If any color sequences are not followed by a reset sequence, an UnterminatedColorError is raised.

The following guarantees are made regarding txtble's handling of Unicode in the fragile twilight realm that is Python 2:

  • If all table elements (table cells, *_fill options, none_str, border style strings, etc.) are or stringify to ASCII-only str values, calling str(tbl) will work, and will return a str.
  • If one or more table elements are unicode and all other cell values are or stringify to ASCII-only str values, calling unicode(tbl) will work, and will return a unicode.

In all other cases, you're on your own.