This is a pretty simple image viewer component that uses ExtJS 3.4. You just have to define an id of an element containing the images, and - voila! - it just works!
Ext.onReady(function() {
// set up an id of an element that contains the images
// few additional parameters that are described below
Ext.ux.imageViewer.slideshowDelay = 5000;
Ext.ux.imageViewer.isAnimationEnabled = false;
- slideshowDelay (default: 5000) - a delay between slides in a slideshow mode;
- isAnimationEnabled (default: true) - set to false to disable the animations between slides in both modes;
- overlayOpacity (default: 0.85) - opacity for the overlay in a normal mode;
- fadeSpeed (default: 8) - speed for a picture to fade in;
- borderSize (default: 10) - border width of main elements in a normal mode;
- labelImage (default: "Изображение") - a label for the "image" word;
- labelOf (default: "из") - a label for the "of" word;
- hintNext (default: "Следующая") - a hint for the "Next" button ;
- hintPrev (default: "Предыдущая") - a hint for the "Previous" button;
- hintSlideshow (default: "Слайдшоу") - a hint for the "Slideshow" button;
- hintSlideshowClose (default: "Закончить слайдшоу") - a hint for the "Close" button in a slideshow mode;
- hintClose (default: "Закрыть") a hint for the "Close" button in a normal mode.