Genything is a library dedicated to easy and composable generation of random data, no matter how complex.
Genything can be combined with Trickery which provides a growing library of pre-made generators which mock real-world information.
Both of these libraries may be used for code testing, rapid prototyping, demo applications, ui testing, and much more. Be creative!
- We do not include a dependency on XCTest
- Controllable randomness that's deterministic by default
- Produce the same results on CI, your colleagues machine, and your own
- You can use these generators for anything!
- Create dummy data for your example apps or to rapidly prototype features
- Use them in your SwiftUI previews to rapidly discover edge cases
- Run your screenshot tests with easy-to-use and predictable data
- Use your generators to unit test with Property Based Testing
- High test coverage
- 100% Documented
The Gen
type class is the core of Genything.
It is nothing more than a generic container that stores a callback capable of generating a value from a Context
struct Gen<T> {
let generator: (Context) throws -> T
The Context
contains configuration, and a Random Number Generator which you can customize.
So a generator of Booleans might look like this:
Gen<Bool> { context in
Bool.random(using: &context.rng)
This is a good to understand, but in practice you can avoid Gen
's initializer altogether and instead use the vast library of extensions to build, combine, and mutate Gen
You can find out more about these extensions in the documentation!
The Arbitary
protocol allows a Type to define a generator suitable for generating all of it's values.
Take Swift's Bool
as example, it's Arbitrary is defined as:
extension Bool: Arbitrary {
public static var arbitrary: Gen<Bool> {
Gen.of([true, false])
We can now use this definition automatically when we are composing a more complex arbitrary type:
struct Transaction {
let isComplete: Bool
// ...
extension Transaction: Arbitrary {
public static var arbitrary: Gen<Bool> {
Gen.compose {
isComplete: $0.generate(), // Will equally generate True or False when the Transaction generator is run
These can then be used for invariant tests, to stub an API response, as preview data, etc...
Genything comes together with Trickery, a collection of generators suitable for producing pseudo-realistic data according to real-world-conditions rather than those enforced only by the type.
Consider a phone number. A phone number of type String
has rules about length, formatting, allowable characters. Whereas the arbitrary type String
contains contains at most a definition of it's length
A key consideration for Genything is that your Generators be usable Genywhere (anywhere). In order to help enforce that
// A very basic dice roll example
let d4 = Gen<Int>.from(1...4)
print("d4: \(twoD4Plus2.sample())")
// Getting more complex with an RPG-style multiple dice roll
func diceRoller(_ dice: [Gen<Int>], modifier: Int = 0) -> Gen<Int> {
Gen.reduce(dice, modifier, +)
// Roll 2 d4s with a +2 modifier
let twoD4Plus2 = diceRoller([d4, d4], modifier: 2)
print("2d4+2: \(twoD4Plus2.sample())")
import Genything
let cityGen = Gen.of(["Winnipeg","Calgary","Vancouver","Halifax"])
/// Generates 1 city
/// Takes 100 random cities
cityGen.take(count: 100)
/// Prints values from the generator until the Context's max iterations is reached
cityGen.forEach { city in print(city) }
checkAll(UInt.arbitrary) { number in
XCTAssert(divideByTwo(Int(number)) < number)
import Trickery
struct PhoneBook_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
) {
PhoneBookRow(name: $0, number: $1)
}.take(count: 10)
Genything & Trickery are also amazing when combined with other open source libraries!
Generate any SF Symbol
extension Fake {
public enum SFSafeSymbols {
@available(iOS 13.0, macOS 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
public static let any: Gen<SFSymbol> = .ofCases().map { $0.rawValue }
pod 'Genything'
pod 'Trickery' # Optional library of realistic fake data
pod 'GenythingTest' # Optional extensions for property test assertions
Create a Package.swift
file in your root directory and add:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .exact("0.0.1"))
Then add the packages you want to:
- General -> "Frameworks and Libraries", for an application of framework target
- Build Phases -> "Link Binary With Libraries", for a test target
The Genything and Trickery projects are owned and maintained by SkipTheDishes, a Just Eat subsidiary.
Please read the Contribution Guide
Genything stands on the shoulder of giants. Please check out these other libraries and resources!
- SwiftCheck
- Fakery
- Point-Free's lessons on predictable randomness
- Kotest's Property Based Testing
See: License
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004