Describe the bug
When I click on the Run code
button, the code block cell color changes completely from my furo dark theme.
This is the dark theme of furo before running Run code
button. Please check the repository here
This is what happened after running the Run code
I expected the code block color to be the same or match the furo dark theme (ps. the light theme has a wonderful match...) . I have already tried to change pygments_dark_style = " "
but the code block colors will not change. Also, I am a big fan of "monokai" style.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Have a wonderful week/weekend =)
Reproduce the bug
- Go to (
- Run any code block by clicking on
Run code
List your environment
Name | Version | Build | Channel |
alabaster | 0.7.12 | py_0 | conda-forg |
anyio | 3.5.0 | py310h2ec42d9_0 | conda-forg |
appnope | 0.1.3 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
argon2-cffi | 21.3.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
argon2-cffi-bindings | 21.2.0 | py310h1961e1f_2 | conda-forg |
asttokens | 2.0.5 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
attrs | 21.4.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
babel | 2.9.1 | pyh44b312d_0 | conda-forg |
backcall | 0.2.0 | pyh9f0ad1d_0 | conda-forg |
backports | 1.0 | py_2 | conda-forg |
backports.functools_l | u_cache 1.6.4 | pyhd8ed1ab0 | condaforge |
beautifulsoup4 | 4.11.1 | pyha770c72_0 | conda-forg |
bleach | 5.0.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
bokeh | 2.4.2 | py310h2ec42d9_1 | conda-forg |
branca | 0.4.2 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
brotlipy | 0.7.0 | py310h1961e1f_100 | conda-f |
bzip2 | 1.0.8 | h0d85af4_4 | conda-forg |
ca-certificates | 2021.10.8 | h033912b_0 | conda-forg |
certifi | 2021.10.8 | py310h2ec42d9_2 | conda-forg |
cffi | 1.15.0 | py310hcc37b68_0 | conda-forg |
charset-normalizer | 2.0.12 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
click | 8.1.2 | py310h2ec42d9_0 | conda-forg |
click-completion | 0.5.2 | py310h2ec42d9_3 | conda-forg |
click-log | 0.3.2 | pyh9f0ad1d_0 | conda-forg |
colorama | 0.4.4 | pyh9f0ad1d_0 | conda-forg |
cryptography | 36.0.0 | py310hf6deb26_0 | |
debugpy | 1.6.0 | py310h9d931ec_0 | conda-forg |
decorator | 5.1.1 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
defusedxml | 0.7.1 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
docutils | 0.17.1 | py310h2ec42d9_1 | conda-forg |
entrypoints | 0.4 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
executing | 0.8.3 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
flit-core | 3.7.1 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
folium | 0.12.1.post1 | pyhd8ed1ab_1 | conda-forg |
freetype | 2.10.4 | h4cff582_1 | conda-forg |
furo | 2022.4.7 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
giflib | 5.2.1 | hbcb3906_2 | conda-forg |
gitdb | 4.0.9 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
gitpython | 3.1.27 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
greenlet | 1.1.2 | py310h9d931ec_2 | conda-forg |
idna | 3.3 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
imagesize | 1.3.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
importlib-metadata | 4.11.3 | py310h2ec42d9_1 | conda-forg |
importlib_resources | 5.7.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
ipykernel | 6.13.0 | py310ha188af9_0 | conda-forg |
ipython | 8.1.1 | py310h2ec42d9_0 | conda-forg |
ipython_genutils | 0.2.0 | py_1 | conda-forg |
ipywidgets | 7.7.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
jbig | 2.1 | h0d85af4_2003 | conda-forg |
jedi | 0.18.1 | py310h2ec42d9_1 | conda-forg |
jinja2 | 3.1.1 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
jpeg | 9e | h0d85af4_0 | conda-forg |
jsonschema | 4.4.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
jupyter-cache | 0.4.3 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
jupyter-server-mathja | 0.2.5 | pyhc268e32_0 | conda-forg |
jupyter-sphinx | 0.3.2 | pyhd8ed1ab_1 | conda-forg |
jupyter_client | 7.2.2 | pyhd8ed1ab_1 | conda-forg |
jupyter_core | 4.9.2 | py310h2ec42d9_0 | conda-forg |
jupyter_server | 1.16.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_1 | conda-forg |
jupyterlab_pygments | 0.2.2 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
jupyterlab_widgets | 1.1.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
lcms2 | 2.12 | h577c468_0 | conda-forg |
lerc | 3.0 | he49afe7_0 | conda-forg |
libblas | 3.9.0 | 14_osx64_openblas | conda-fo |
libcblas | 3.9.0 | 14_osx64_openblas | conda-fo |
libcxx | 13.0.1 | hc203e6f_0 | conda-forg |
libdeflate | 1.10 | h0d85af4_0 | conda-forg |
libffi | 3.4.2 | h0d85af4_5 | conda-forg |
libgfortran | 5.0.0 | 9_3_0_h6c81a4c_23 | conda-fo |
libgfortran5 | 9.3.0 | h6c81a4c_23 | conda-forg |
liblapack | 3.9.0 | 14_osx64_openblas | conda-fo |
libopenblas | 0.3.20 | openmp_hb3cd9ec_0 | conda-fo |
libpng | 1.6.37 | h7cec526_2 | conda-forg |
libsodium | 1.0.18 | hbcb3906_1 | conda-forg |
libtiff | 4.3.0 | h17f2ce3_3 | conda-forg |
libwebp | 1.2.2 | h28dabe5_0 | conda-forg |
libwebp-base | 1.2.2 | h0d85af4_1 | conda-forg |
libxcb | 1.13 | h0d85af4_1004 | conda-forg |
libzlib | 1.2.11 | h6c3fc93_1014 | conda-forg |
livereload | 2.6.3 | pyh9f0ad1d_0 | conda-forg |
llvm-openmp | 13.0.1 | hcb1a161_1 | conda-forg |
lz4-c | 1.9.3 | he49afe7_1 | conda-forg |
markdown-it-py | 1.1.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
markupsafe | 2.1.1 | py310h1961e1f_1 | conda-forg |
matplotlib-inline | 0.1.3 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
mdit-py-plugins | 0.2.8 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
mistune | 0.8.4 | py310he24745e_100 | conda-f |
myst-nb | 0.13.1 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
myst-parser | 0.15.2 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
nbclient | 0.5.13 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
nbconvert | 6.5.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
nbconvert-core | 6.5.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
nbconvert-pandoc | 6.5.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
nbdime | 3.1.1 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
nbformat | 5.3.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
ncurses | 6.3 | h96cf925_1 | conda-forg |
nest-asyncio | 1.5.5 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
notebook | 6.4.10 | pyha770c72_0 | conda-forg |
numpy | 1.22.3 | py310hb608527_2 | conda-forg |
openjpeg | 2.4.0 | h6e7aa92_1 | conda-forg |
openssl | 3.0.2 | h6c3fc93_1 | conda-forg |
packaging | 21.3 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
pandas | 1.4.2 | py310h514ec25_1 | conda-forg |
pandoc | 2.18 | h694c41f_0 | conda-forg |
pandocfilters | 1.5.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
parso | 0.8.3 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
pexpect | 4.8.0 | pyh9f0ad1d_2 | conda-forg |
pickleshare | 0.7.5 | py_1003 | conda-forg |
pillow | 9.1.0 | py310h382dc3b_2 | conda-forg |
pip | 22.0.4 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
prometheus_client | 0.14.1 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
prompt-toolkit | 3.0.29 | pyha770c72_0 | conda-forg |
psutil | 5.9.0 | py310h1961e1f_1 | conda-forg |
pthread-stubs | 0.4 | hc929b4f_1001 | conda-forg |
ptyprocess | 0.7.0 | pyhd3deb0d_0 | conda-forg |
pure_eval | 0.2.2 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
pycparser | 2.21 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
pygments | 2.11.2 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
pyopenssl | 22.0.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
pyparsing | 3.0.8 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
pyrsistent | 0.18.1 | py310h1961e1f_1 | conda-forg |
pysocks | 1.7.1 | py310h2ec42d9_5 | conda-forg |
python | 3.10.4 | h1cc4136_0_cpytho | conda-f |
python-dateutil | 2.8.2 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
python-fastjsonschema | 2.15.3 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
python_abi | 3.10 | 2_cp310 | conda-forg |
pytz | 2022.1 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
pyyaml | 6.0 | py310h1961e1f_4 | conda-forg |
pyzmq | 22.3.0 | py310h138f930_2 | conda-forg |
readline | 8.1 | h05e3726_0 | conda-forg |
requests | 2.27.1 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
send2trash | 1.8.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
setuptools | 62.1.0 | py310h2ec42d9_0 | conda-forg |
shellingham | 1.4.0 | pyh44b312d_0 | conda-forg |
six | 1.16.0 | pyh6c4a22f_0 | conda-forg |
smmap | 3.0.5 | pyh44b312d_0 | conda-forg |
sniffio | 1.2.0 | py310h2ec42d9_3 | conda-forg |
snowballstemmer | 2.2.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
soupsieve | 2.3.1 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
sphinx | 4.4.0 | pyh6c4a22f_1 | conda-forg |
sphinx-autobuild | 2021.3.14 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
sphinx-autodoc-typehi | ts 1.12.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
sphinx-design | 0.0.13 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
sphinx-inline-tabs | 2022.1.2b11 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
sphinx-thebe | 0.1.1 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
sphinx-togglebutton | 0.2.3 | pyhd3deb0d_0 | conda-forg |
sphinxcontrib-applehe | p 1.0.2 | py_0 | conda-forg |
sphinxcontrib-devhelp | 1.0.2 | py_0 | conda-forg |
sphinxcontrib-htmlhel | 2.0.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
sphinxcontrib-jsmath | 1.0.1 | py_0 | conda-forg |
sphinxcontrib-qthelp | 1.0.3 | py_0 | conda-forg |
sphinxcontrib-seriali | inghtml 1.1.5 | pyhd8ed1ab | 2 conda- |
sqlalchemy | 1.4.35 | py310h1961e1f_0 | conda-forg |
sqlite | 3.38.2 | hb516253_0 | conda-forg |
stack_data | 0.2.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
terminado | 0.13.3 | py310h2ec42d9_1 | conda-forg |
tinycss2 | 1.1.1 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
tk | 8.6.12 | h5dbffcc_0 | conda-forg |
tornado | 6.1 | py310h1961e1f_3 | conda-forg |
traitlets | 5.1.1 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
typing_extensions | 4.1.1 | pyha770c72_0 | conda-forg |
tzdata | 2022a | h191b570_0 | conda-forg |
urllib3 | 1.26.9 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
wcwidth | 0.2.5 | pyh9f0ad1d_2 | conda-forg |
webencodings | 0.5.1 | py_1 | conda-forg |
websocket-client | 1.3.2 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
wheel | 0.37.1 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
widgetsnbextension | 3.6.0 | py310h2ec42d9_0 | conda-forg |
xorg-libxau | 1.0.9 | h35c211d_0 | conda-forg |
xorg-libxdmcp | 1.1.3 | h35c211d_0 | conda-forg |
xz | 5.2.5 | haf1e3a3_1 | conda-forg |
yaml | 0.2.5 | h0d85af4_2 | conda-forg |
zeromq | 4.3.4 | he49afe7_1 | conda-forg |
zipp | 3.8.0 | pyhd8ed1ab_0 | conda-forg |
zlib | 1.2.11 | h6c3fc93_1014 | conda-forg |
zstd | 1.5.2 | h582d3a0_0 | conda-forg |