Blog post: HELP WANTED: Repackaging Kaggle Getting Started into Kubeflow Examples
- We'd like to help bolster the kubeflow/examples repo
- Help people get involved in open source/kubeflow project/community
- Give people an opportunity to make a little side hustle income
A repository to share extended Kubeflow examples and tutorials to demonstrate machine learning concepts, data science workflows, and Kubeflow deployments. The examples illustrate the happy path, acting as a starting point for new users and a reference guide for experienced users.
This repository is home to the following types of examples and demos:
Author: Elson Rodriguez
This example covers the following concepts:
- Image recognition of handwritten digits
- S3 storage
- Training automation with Argo
- Monitoring with Argo UI and Tensorboard
- Serving with Tensorflow
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The Kubeflow community is guided by our Code of Conduct, which we encourage everybody to read before participating.