Grimório para Tormenta RPG
Website developed using HTML5, CSS3 and Angular.js. Angular.js libraries used: ng-showdown, ui.router, ui.router.stateHelper
This website was developed based on Roenmidnight's website: Also, the spells scripts were made from his own posts, so I have a lot to thank him for.
The spells markdown files are in the spells/ and feats/ folders. You can also check the scripts used to generate and modify files in the python scrips/ folder or check out the scripts description.
Finishing another page implementation, with Tormenta's characters possible feats.
- Done:
- Manual Básico
- Guia da Trilogia
- Manual do Combate
- Manual do Arcano
- Currently Doing:
- Manual das Raças
- To Do:
- Manual do Devoto
- Manual do Malandro
- Mundo de Arton
- Mundo dos Deuses