Macro to help with enumerations in an Active Record column.
This gem encapsulates a validates_inclusion_of and automatically gives you a few more goodies automatically. That’s it!
class Computer < ActiveRecord:Base enum_field :status, ['on', 'off', 'standby', 'sleep', 'out of this world'] # Optionally with a message to replace the default one # enum_field :status, ['on', 'off', 'standby', 'sleep', 'out of this world'], :message => "incorrect status" #... end
This will give you a few things:
add a validates_inclusion_of with a simple error message (“invalid #{field}”) or your custom message
define the following query methods, in the name of expressive code:
define the STATUSES constant, which contains the acceptable values
Copyright © 2008 James Golick, released under the MIT license