I like a smooth consistent workflow so contribute to many parts within my stack: dev tool management (asdf-vm), documentation site generator (docsify & docsify-select), google cloud (asdf-gcloud and meta-cloud-builders) and firebase (asdf-firebase).
📚 theory · 💻 examples · 💬 comments
- 💬 State of Firebase (late 2020) - Official Firebase & Community Updates!
More from me
- 💬 State of Firebase (mid 2020) - Official Firebase & Community Updates!
- 💬 GitHub & Medium with Embedly - Nicely rendered & synced repo files?
- 💬 State of Firebase (mid 2019) - Cloud Next & Google I/O 2019 updates
- 💻 GraphQL on Cloud Functions for Firebase - Hassle-free GraphQL on FaaS
- 💻 Express.js on Cloud Functions for Firebase - Auto-scaling APIs in seconds
- 💻 Berglas with Node.js on Cloud Run - Runtime Secret Decryption with Golang & Node.js
- 💬 The 3 best features of Google Cloud Run - King of Serverless Compute?
- 💬 The State of Cloud Functions (mid 19) - Google Next 19 in a Nutshell
- 💬 State of Firebase (late 2018) - 2018 Releases & Improvements
- 💬 Awesome Firebase - List of Firebase talks, tools, examples & articles
- 📚 Babel & preset-env - Compile to environments, not specifications
- 📚 Firebase Package Names and Bundle Sizes - Stop fanning the flames of that bundle size!
- 💻 Cron & Cloud Functions for Firebase - The Serverless Cron we wanted!
- 📚 Cloud Functions for Firebase with Compiled Code - ES6, ES7, Flow, TypeScript, Babel & ParcelJS
- 💻 Part 1: Cloud Functions for Firebase with Babel, Flow & TypeScript - Target your Node Runtimes!
- 💻 Part 2: Cloud Functions for Firebase with Flow, TypeScript & ReasonML via ParcelJS - Bundle your Cloud Function Code!
- 💻 Ubuntu 20.04 on Lenovo ThinkPad E485 - It just works!
- 💻 PopOS 19.04 on Lenovo ThinkPad E485 - Same problems, same solution
- 💻 Ubuntu 19.04 on Lenovo ThinkPad E485 - Stop Ubuntu from hanging itself on boot
- 💻 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on Lenovo ThinkPad E485 - Stop Ubuntu from hanging itself on boot
- 💻 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on a Dell XPS 15 - Stop Ubuntu from hanging itself on login
- 💬 Medium Featured Images & Gifs - Dimensions and ratios
- 💻 Ubuntu Terminal on Windows - Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) & VSCode
- Exploring Cloud Functions for Firebase - First time FaaS
- DEPRECATED ES6 in Cloud Functions for Firebase - Modern language features for modern microservices
- ES6+ in Cloud Functions for Firebase #2 - Babel Boogaloo!
- DEPRECATED Express.js on Cloud Functions for Firebase - Exactly what you would expect, almost…
- DEPRECATED GraphQL Server on Cloud Functions for Firebase - The smoothest GraphQL on FaaS DX to date!
- Next.js on Cloud Functions for Firebase with Firebase Hosting - SSR with Clean URLs
📚 Interesting reads:
- Why I moved from React to Svelte and why others will follow - I like Svelte and find these stories useful to share with sceptics.
- Fibonacci Goals
- Lessons From Building a Static Site Generator (Svelte w Elder.js)
- No Hello
- TCR (test && commit || revert) & examples
- Why your team doesn't need to use pull requests
- Examples of people quickly accomplishing ambitious things together
- Game Engine Architecture by Jason Gregory - my favourite programming book!
- How Oodle Kraken and Oodle Texture supercharge the IO system of the Sony PS5
- A clean start for the web
- The Return of the 90s Web
- Second-guessing the modern web
- Web browsers need to stop
- The truth about Svelte
- Write less code
- Virtual DOM is pure overhead
- The zen of Just Writing CSS
- Why is printf better than echo?
- Friends don’t let friends Curl | Bash
- The Let It Crash Philosophy Outside Erlang
📹 Interesting videos:
- Rust: A Language for the Next 40 Years - Carol Nichols - 2019
- 10 Things I Regret About Node.js - Ryan Dahl - JSConf EU 2018
- The Post JavaScript Apocalypse - Douglas Crockford
- Retrofitting parallelism into OCaml & Multicore OCaml -- what's coming in 2021
- HTTP headers for the responsible developer
- Firebase offline: What works, what doesn't, and what you need to know (Firebase Summit 2019)