This is a simple oop library for php 7.4 or above
A lot is happening in the php world right now but there are some fundamental issues that forced the creation of this lib and the ones that are going to follow.
- capitalization of file names and directories
- adding directories just for the sake of composer
- adding namespaces and title casing just for the composer
- interfaces just for the sake of interface
Composer has done a great job but it has also killed the namesapcing feature the way it should be used.
This lib is just a small step towards a better and cleaner php-world.
- Simplicity
composer require j/fs
Readable file
use J\FS; // or j\fs;
$rf = new ReadableFile("/some/readable/file.sample.txt");
// do whatever you want to do with this file
$rf->extesnion(); // will get txt
$rf->fullName(); // will get the file.sample.txt
$rf->mime(); // will get the mime, like text/plain
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